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Friday, May 10, 2013

New Look, Tired Mama

I'm reluctant to say that I'm back or that I'm going to start posting again, as the last time I did that, I posted like once and then was gone again for quite some time.  Sorry blog world...blame Facebook and our need for short, quick, to the point updates! So I'm just gonna pick right up like I've never been gone.

There's a new look here now.  Since spring arrived, (TIME-wise, not weather wise, I should say) I have a new obsessive addiction to all things mint and turquoise colored. And navy. And watermelon. Some coral too.  I thought maybe if I incorporated some of my new favorite colors into my blog, I might visit it more often.  We'll see.

This week has been insane at our house.  (Maybe that's another reason why I decided to work on the blog today. Subconsciously. *See "About" tab for explanation on that one.) Normally I'm fairly organized (or like to think I am) and have everything somewhat planned out.  But this week, I really don't know where my brain has been.  I've been in a fog. (I blame the hormones.) It's been a "last minute, forgot to buy eggs, fly by the seat of my pants, 'you need WHAT?! WHEN?!'" crappy kind of week.    We've had a doctor visit for one child, teacher appreciation week activities-between all 4 children we have 7 teachers that we appreciate VERY much, Science project due, mother's day gifts/cards to plan/buy/mail, although this year that was a little easier, thank you sister-in-law :), Science Museum field trip tonight. Those things were on top of our regular weekly errands and activities.  Add to that, my little ones have been quite quarrelsome, defiant, and WHINEY this week-their preschool teachers say that they all have spring fever-tylenol and motrin do not work for this, however benadryl seems to help. (KIDDING!!)  To say that I'm READY FOR THIS WEEK TO ENNNNNDDDD would be the understatement of the year! Plus, I forgot that today was the last MOPS meeting.  Didn't go.  Didn't even remember it until I got a text from a friend acknowledging my absence.  I'm WINNING this week!

I'm sure my busyness and stress is part of the cause of the children's behavior.  Feeding off of my stressful behavior. Even Taylor got a little out of kilter.  Last night at 10:57pm I was awakened by punches to my shoulder (she has learned to punch at me from a distance, as I tend to be startled by and swing at subjects who hover over me and gently try to wake me).  She was fully dressed for school, hair done, shoes on, ready to go.  She said panicky "MOM! What time is it?! Why aren't you getting dressed?!" I looked at the clock and told her "It's 10:57! 11 o'clock AT NIGHT! What are you doing?!"  She kept looking at me and back at the clock confused. I finally convinced her that it was still night time and she needed to disrobe and go back to bed.  

Some time around 4:00 am, I am awakened again by a strange sound.  After getting up thinking it's one of the kids up doing something, I finally figure out it is some weird snore coming from the Mr. in bed next to me. He got a push. But he didn't notice.  4:40am, alarm goes off. Boot camp time! Sheesh...I sure am glad I don't have infants any more that keep me up at night! 

Here's to a CALM, SLEEP IN ON SATURDAY, RESTFUL weekend! Keep saying it to myself and believing it will happen, and it will come to pass. Isn't that what that TV preacher says will happen?! ;)

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