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Friday, January 23, 2009

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Daddy's comin' home...let's DANCE!! YEE-HAW!

It's FRIDAY!!! YEA!!! Normally I'm not this excited about Fridays...when you're a stay at home mom, every day is pretty much the same, they kind of all run together in one mass of daily routines...but today Nathan comes back home! I've been living like a single mom for the past three weeks and I've got one teeny little floss size strand of sanity left and even IT is beginning to fray.

So fitting is the new song that I have playing when you enter my blogosphere today.
To give you an idea of the state of mind I've come into over these past three weeks: This morning after I dressed myself, all three girls, fed the older ones breakfast, packed a lunch, asked 22 times for them to hurry & brush their teeth, nursed the baby, loaded everyone into the car and was headed for school, Emma had a revelation. "Mama! Wouldn't it be so cool if I had three arms!" "Yes, baby! Then I could rip one of them off and beat you with it! Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" I am laughing my head off and I look back sure that I'll see the girls doubled over in gut wrenching laughter...they are just staring at me like deer in headlights, frightened looks on their faces. I stopped laughing and said "don't you think that is so one off and beat you with it?" They both looked confused and said "No, that's really not funny." Then I realized how crazy that sounds. Did I really say that out loud?! Oh my! Of course I was only joking, if she did have three arms, I wouldn't dream of doing anything so violent. ...probably. I'd take lots of pictures of her and sell them to the tabloids.

So yes, it is SO time for their father to come home and give me a break from the daily routines that I've been doing by myself. I don't mean to be whiny about it. I say all of this in fun. I am so grateful that Nathan has a job and that he is really enjoying it, lucky him...staying in fancy hotels, going out to dinner nearly every night, meeting new interesting people and making new friends, yee-ah...I'm so thankful. :) -just kidding, sort of. No, really, we have truly been blessed and I wouldn't trade jobs with him or anyone else for anything in the world. Staying at home with my girls is the toughest job I've ever had but it's also the most fun and rewarding. And if I keep repeating that and repeating that and repeating that and repeating that...oh, sorry! ;-)

Okay, back to the Hamster Dance song that's playing...this morning, I was not in the best of moods. Emma had been crying and whining since she opened her eyes this morning and by 8:00 I'd already HAD IT with her. (Probably where the "beating her with her own third arm" joke stemmed from, now that I think about it.) So as we were driving back home after dropping Taylor off, she was back there in her car seat whining about something and I started flipping through the radio stations only to come upon this silly little song. Immediately it was like my dark cloud lifted, the whining from the back seat silenced and the most dramatic and intense dancing commenced. We danced so hard under our seat belts that we broke a sweat and it was so much fun. As we were driving down our street dancing our hearts out I saw my neighbor walking down his driveway. I quickly pulled my arms out of the air and placed them back onto the steering wheel, gave him a polite wave and smile and pulled into the garage, realizing that no matter how normal and ordinary I was trying to appear, the music and thumping bass coming from my car could be heard two streets over. Probably making me seem extremely strange! Oh well, he's a little weird too so it probably made him feel better about himself. (Pat on the back.)

So we sat in the garage, (now out of our seat belts), dancing as hard & as fast as we could before the song ended. Instant attitude changes on both of our parts. After we came into the house I was thinking about how weird that was the way we were both out of control dancing to that song like we were in our own little worlds with no one or no worries around and it made me wonder why that song put me in such a state of euphoria. It quickly came to me. I am BECOMING A CHILD AGAIN! I've spent so much time with these children that I'm reverting back to a childish nature. Well, you know what? SO BE IT! Acting like a child turned my whole morning around. And I think I'm going to have to act like that a little more often. Lately I've become somewhat of a sour puss, and it's time to be FUN again! Well, at least for a little while...until I catch a neighbor watching. hee hee! ;-)

I have decided that I am adding this song to our morning routine and probably our nightly routine as well. And mid-day probably...any time that I am feeling beat down by my children and need a quick pick me up. Okay, so maybe it'll be an hourly ritual.

You're probably thinking, "Man, she REALLY needs some adult time!" Tis true but I know as you sit on the other side of this computer you are tapping your foot to the beat and wanting so badly to break out into some serious moves! Go for it! Nobody's watching you...although I so wish that I were. So as I think about each person that I know reads my blog, I'm imagining you gettin' your groove thang on and it's hilarious! OH, and before you break it down, don't forget to turn off your web cam, lest you be the next big hit on You Tube! ;-)

*Disclaimer: I hesitantly added Taylor's latest "blurb" because I thought it was funny. I apologize if the language offends you, that was not my intention. I normally would NEVER post such language on here and do not condone using such words but it was spoken in sincere innocence. She had no idea that the word she uttered was not acceptable to use.

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