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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Conrats ManuelFamily! You Won!

Emma listened to the responses to her joke this morning and chuckled at them all.  Her favorite punch line though was the one from Heather Manuel! (ManuelFamily) "Why did the cat use the bathroom?" "To show Addison how it's done!" Ha! Very good!

I've got a $5 Starbucks gift card with your name on it! Congratulations! :)

I guess that kitty cat did its job because Addison is doing an awesome job with it! We're starting our third day today and she's only had one accident in the past two days! ~and I'm not even counting that one because she did it while she was in time out and ANYBODY would pee on themselves pitching that big of a screaming fit. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

You just never know about THIS one...

I went through Emma's papers from her backpack this morning after taking the kids to school.  Found this "book" that she apparently made during her free time in class. After reading the first entry in her "joke book" you can see why I was a little apprehensive to proceed to the next page.

It was to my GREAT relief to find the next three pages of her book BLANK! :)

How about we have a little fun with this?! Take a  guess as to what the punch line of this joke might have been in her mind.  The best guess (according to Emma-she'll be the judge on this one) will win a little prize! Something you can enjoy with YOUR morning reading...hint hint! :)

Leave your guesses in the comments section (click on "comment" below) and Emma will choose one Saturday morning! So hurry and leave your comment for her! :)

Drop me a Note!

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