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Monday, November 10, 2008


Here she is! Baby Addison got here on Thursday, October 30th at 12:12 pm. She was 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 in. long. She is a really good baby. She hardly ever cries and is very patient and laid back. (Third child has to be, I guess). Labor & delivery went well. The doctor broke my water at 7:45 and I only had to have one round of pitosin (sp??) So from start to finish it only took her a little more than 4 hours and two pushes to get here! (I was so thankful!!)

Taylor & Emma love her and can't get enough of her. Taylor is a good little "mama" and a big help to me too. Emma is still a little indifferent when it comes to the baby. She will walk by and say "hey baby!" and then go on about her business. She is still very much "all about Emma" and doesn't pay much attention to anything else.

My mom flew in on Wednesday afternoon and stayed with us. She kept my other two girls while we were at the hospital and then helped me out tremendously when we came home. Addison wakes to nurse every two hours around the clock so night time was really rough. Mom and I began taking shifts...I would nurse and then two hours later Mom would give her a bottle and then two hours later, I would nurse again...and that cycle would continue through the night.

Nathan had to leave to go to Tulsa for training with his new job on the Monday after Addison was born. He has to be out there for three weeks straight. It was very hard when we left him at the airport. He and I both were crying.

My aunt Connie flew in on the following Wednesday so that she and my mom could drive back to AR together that weekend. We enjoyed having her at our house so much. The girls had a really good time with her. I think she was quite worn out by the time she left us! She was a big help with them and to me and mom as well.

My family had been begging me to come back to AR with my mom and aunt after they found out that Nathan was not going to be home and I would be by myself with my girls and new baby for that long. I wouldn't hear of it. I just kept telling them that I would be fine...I had lots of friends offering to help me out during the day and bringing meals to us in the evenings. After about three nights of no sleep, I realized that I couldn't keep having nights like that and then be able to get up and function and take care of the girls the next day by myself. So with a little prompting from Aunt Connie I decided that I would come back to AR with them just until Thanksgiving. Nathan will be able to come and to AR for Thanksgiving and we'll drive back to FL together the following weekend.

We got to AR on Saturday afternoon and are enjoying getting to spend time with our family. Nathan is close enough that he can drive here on the weekends to see us so that has been nice. He's not having to go a full three weeks without seeing his girls. I am homeschooling Taylor while we're here. Her teacher and principal were so nice and understanding about me withdrawing Taylor for these next two and half weeks. Her teacher is emailing me her lesson plans and mailing her tests to me so that I can continue working with her on what they're doing in class and she won't be behind when we return.

Got to is waking up AGAIN! :) Hopefully I'll get to write again soon!

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