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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Here is a picture of Taylor's toothless grin that I took this morning. We had soccer pictures today. She looks more like a hockey player with that tooth missing! ha! :)
(You can click on the picture to see it larger.)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Taylor lost her first tooth!

Taylor lost her first tooth tonight. One of her front teeth! She bit into a piece of chicken and it fell out. She was so excited that she couldn't finish her supper. :) I cried a little. I don't know why I thought it was sad; It just seems like another milestone of her growing up. :( sob...sob...
She has a HUGE hole in the front of her mouth now. -just in time for soccer pictures in the morning. I took pictures of her tonight...I'll post one of her snaggle-toothed grin tomorrow.

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Well, I have just about run myself crazy today trying to get things done and errands run before Nathan's parents get here. My day started at 6AM and I JUST finished everything on my list at 5PM! I don't know why I always wait till the last minute to do everything! But I always seem to. With a lot of running and praying I accomplished everything on my list. Also Nathan came home early this afternoon and helped out a LOT!
Taylor has been so excited today. I volunteered to help in her classroom today and it was a lot of fun. They had Apple Day. Her teacher had set up 5 or 6 stations that they rotated to doing things with their apples. At one of the stations they used plastic knives to cut their apples into pieces and topped it with an apple crisp crumb topping. They put them in little toaster ovens and baked them all afternoon and then go to eat them for snack time. It was fun seeing her with her friends in her classroom and hearing them talk. She and another little girls were talking about what their favorite movie is. Kaylin said she likes some Disney movie and Taylor's favorite was High School Musical. (Ha!) Kaylin's mother looked at me kind of funny when Taylor said that. I know she was thinking "You let your 5 year old watch that?!" I just said "She has older cousins that she saw watching it one time so now she likes it too. " I also went ahead and added "She's a big fan of Hannah Montana too." (Just had to stir the pot a little more. ha!) Besides being excited about Apple Day, she has been running up and down the stairs all afternoon asking when Meme and Papaw are going to be here. Luckily they are only about 10 minutes away now.
Emma had a fun day at preschool today too. She is always a sweaty, sandy mess when I pick her up. I think she lays down and swims in the sandbox! She had it head to toe and brought home at least a handful in both of her shoes. Her teacher is a friend of mine (or used to be before she had my daughter in class!!! Ha-just kidding, she loves Emma.) anyway, she told me that it was raining at recess time so she asked the kids if they could tell her why they couldn't go out to play today. Most of them said "Because it's raining!" but Emma said, "We CAN go out to play; you and Mrs. Watts just need to go get towels and you can dry everything off for us. That would be a GREAT IDEA!" Ha! Have you every read any of those Junie B. Jones books? I'm going to have to stop reading them to Taylor when Emma is in the room. She acts a lot like Junie B. sometimes! :-)
Well, my in-laws just pulled into the driveway. Gotta go!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Emma Dancing

Here's a video I uploaded to youtube of Emma dancing. She is such a mess! The video turned out kind of dark but you can still her acting silly.

Video of Taylor riding her bike

Here is a link to a youtube video that I uploaded of Taylor riding her bike.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today was a pretty good day. This morning Emma and I took Taylor to school and then came back home and started cleaning. Emma was really good today so I was able to get quite a bit done. And we didn't have to go anywhere today which was a change from the past three weeks! Finally a full day at home!!!

We're getting ready for Nathan's parents to get here tomorrow! They'll be here some time tomorrow night. The girls are so excited about them coming. Every morning the first words out of Taylor's mouth are "How many more days till Meme gets here?" :)

This afternoon we took dinner to a couple from our Sunday school class that just had their second baby girl. She is so sweet! Kind of made me want another one. But just briefly...on the way home I was shaken back into reality when out of nowhere Emma started screaming from the back seat "I gotta go potty NOW!!! NO, I'm already peeing in my seat." Oh the joys of toddlers and bodily functions. She couldn't have told me before we left that she needed to potty or even when we were remotely close to a gas station. No, we had to be stuck in traffic on our way over a long bridge. (And of course I didn't think to make her go before we got into the car...that would've made life too easy. ;-) ) It's a wonder those car seats don't disintegrate from the mixture of urine and french fries. GROSS!!

This morning we got to watch the Delta 2 rocket take off. We can see the launches from our house. We watched it from Taylor's bedroom window. Her window is upstairs and facing North toward where they launch. The land is so flat here that you can see a good distance without anything in the way. It was neat. We watched the countdown on her TV and then looked out her window and there was the ball of flame going up. So Cool! I took pictures of it through her window. I posted a picture of it above.

The season premier of Grey's Anatomy comes on tonight! I'm so excited! I watched Private Practice last night. It looks like it's going to be a pretty good show but not near as good as G.A. Any of you catch the Bachelor Monday night? Is he cute or what?! Nathan and I laughed so hard at the end where they showed that clip of that one skinny little blonde who'd had a little too much juice. She was talking to the other girls and not making a lick of sense...they were just looking at her not knowing how to answer her. ha! I couldn't stop know, the kind of laughing that keeps you doubled over, eyes closed tight and tears running down your face and you know that if you don't get control of yourself quick your going to let more than giggles slip out! :)

Gotta's bath time now and then BED TIME!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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