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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

...And a Month Later, Here We Are...

So, it's been over a month since my last post. At my last writing I was getting things ready for us to move to AR for the summer. Well, we've been here for a month now. My kids are totally out of control! Nathan and I always joked about how when we would come here to visit all the grandparents...a week here would equal two weeks of working to get our kids back to normal. :) At this rate it'll be next year before they're corrected!!! They have so much fun and more freedoms at their grandparent's houses than they normally do at home so it leaves them quite spoiled rotten by the time we leave. And add to that their girly sassiness and boy do I have my hands full! Good thing all Addison can say is "Ma...Ma...Ma...Ma and Bye...Bye...Bye...Bye!" However, sometimes I think even THAT sounds a little on the dramatic and sassy side. She has already, at a mere 8 months old, learned how to turn on the drama! If she is crawling or pulling up and she falls over even the least bit, she opens her mouth so wide and just screams like she has really hurt herself. And if I just look at her and say "You're okay, it's okay" OH! That just won't do! She will cry even more. She expects to be picked up immediately and hugged and kissed and bounced until enough time goes by that she deems is appropriate depending on the severity of the accident. Then I can put her back down and she'll be off to the next adventure. I AM enabling her just a little bit in that area because I play it up to her like she has just had one of the worst boo-boos ever and I'll whine with her and say "Oh, my goodness, oh, it's so bad, oh my..." I think it's funny because as long as I'm going on and on about it, she'll keep saying "Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh!" (No tears at all!) I'm sure I'll regret babying her like that one day...however right now, I still enjoy it.

We are still waiting on things to go through with the sale of our house in Florida. Hopefully it'll all be finished in a few weeks though. I visited Tulsa a couple weeks ago and Nathan and I went house hunting. We found a house that we are hoping to rent. We are sending the application in on it next week. After it is accepted then we'll call the moving company and have them go to our house in FL, pack it and move it to the new house. I'm hoping to be in the new place by the first week of August. That would be the ideal thing, however, who knows how long it will take. Moving companies are super busy in the summer time. They told us it could take a couple of weeks before they get to us. But once they get to our house, it will take only two days to pack it and load it on the truck. Then another day or so to get it to Tulsa. When they told me "One day to pack and one day to load" I wanted to laugh and say "Yeah, RIGHT!! You'd better bring an army with you!" They did send someone about a month ago out to the house to take notes on how much furniture and 'stuff' we have so they'll know how long it'll take and how many boxes to bring. I guess they know what they're doing. I'll be shocked though if everything is boxed and ready in a day.

The kids have been enjoying Arkansas the past few weeks. We have been spending time at both my parent's house and Nathan's parent's house. We also spent a few days in Conway at my aunt's house...her girls are about the same age as mine. My kids didn't want to leave there. They had so much fun playing with their cousins! We went to the lake on the 4th. We spent the day out on the water and then went back out on the water that night to watch the fireworks show. They really liked that...I'll post pictures as soon as I get them uploaded.

In between all the fun, all three girls have been sick too. Addison just finished her 20th day on antibiotics! She got an ear infection a couple weeks ago in both ears. The first ten days of antibiotics didn't clear it up so they started her on a different one for ten more days. She seems better now but still has a cough and congestion in her chest. Emma busted her head open a couple weeks ago. The girls have a room at my parent's house and they have bunk beds in there. The ceiling fan is over one corner of the top bunk. I had warned the girls not to get on the top bunk when the fan is on...but you know to test the boundaries. She climbed up there anyway and decided to see just how bad it would hurt to get hit by the she stuck her thumb up there and let it hit it. It hurt she said. Well, apparently she was going to get down and she got too close and the fan blade hit her right in the middle of her forehead. Taylor came running to me telling me that Emma had been hit by the fan. I didn't hear her crying so I just said, "Okay, I'll be right there" thinking she was just turning on her normal dramatics! I finished folding a towel and then I heard her scream "Ahhhh! I'm BLEEEEEDING, I'M BLEEEEEDING!" I ran in there and sure enough, there was blood covering her face and dripping all over the top bunk. I wanted so badly to scream and start freaking out!! I grabbed her down and ran into the kitchen to get a towel. I held it on her head and laid her on the couch to survey the damage. It was pretty deep and made me nauseous! I called my Mom and Dad and had them come home from work so that Dad could stay at home with Addison and Taylor and Mom could hold the towel on Emma's head while I drove her to the doctor. We got her head glued back together...thankfully no stitches. Although, now looking back I wish they HAD used stitches. The glue didn't hold and the part of her cut I can see underneath the nasty steri-strips that are coming off, is still open. The nurse who glued it back together put steri-strips on top of it before the glue dried so now we have steri-strips stuck to it and they can't be pulled off or they'll pull out the glue and the cut will be open all the way across. It's in a mess! It's been almost two weeks and she still can't get it wet...which they didn't tell me to begin with and I did let it get a little wet in the bathtub a couple days after it was glued! ANYWAY...when I took her back yesterday to have it checked they told me there was nothing they could do has to heal from the inside out.

Along with all that, Taylor and Emma both had the 24 hour stomach bug too and spent the biggest part of the night throwing up. LOVELY!! That's all done with and I think everybody is well and good now. ...knocking on wood!!

Nathan is in Florida right now. He flew in on Wednesday and will be there until Monday morning. He had to be at the base for a few days. I'm so jealous, he is staying at our house. I wish I was there, I miss my bed and my stuff!!! It's a good thing he went of our a/c units was messed up and had leaked water into the garage (thankfully it didn't damage anything) and the pool was a mess. He'd hired a pool company to take care of it weekly but they hadn't been there in a few weeks. So he had to call and find out what was up with that-it had rained one week on our day (Imagine that! Rain in Florida in the summer time! Who'da thunk it??) and the next week was the 4th so they took a holiday...Ugh! Also the garage door keypad outside the garage isn't working either. We had given a key to a nearby friend, thankfully, so Nathan was able to get the key and get in when he arrived. So he's working to get that fixed as well while he's there.

Well, I guess that about catches you up on what's been going on with us...I have to get off here and check on the children. Up to no good, I'm sure! Will post again when I get the chance. :)

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