the view from here...

hollandgirls2's  album on Photobucket

Friday, February 11, 2011

Another deal FOUND!

So excited to find another great deal on shoes for Addison this morning! Check out the "Deals and Steals" tab for details!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Check out the Deals & Steals Tab!

I just updated the Deals and Steals section of my blog with my latest finds from Amazon! :) Check it out!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As you can see, I've given my blog a new makeover! It's taken me all day and my house is a disaster and my children are just running wild and my hubby will be home any minute and won't be happy at all about the living conditions he'll be coming in to :-/...but it's all good! 

I'm still doing some tweaking and editing but...what do you think?  I was trying to make it more reader friendly (less cluttered!) so I removed quite a bit and moved some things to the tabs above.   Some things are still a little out of whack...but I must STOP for the day. I'm still not sure it's exactly how I want it... Any thoughts???? 

Drop me a Note!

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