the view from here...

hollandgirls2's  album on Photobucket

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quiet Sunday Afternoon

All is quiet here at our house this afternoon. The kids are napping. Nathan is napping. Why am I not napping? Tried to but my eyes seemed to be propped open with toothpicks-wouldn't close for nothing! Probably due to the sugar overload that I submitted my body to today. Last night was the fall festival at church. The girls had a great time. I think their favorite part was the "trunk-or-treating". Now I've embarked on my favorite part. My reward for taking the time to get them dressed up, patiently putting make-up on a squirming two year old and a fidgety five year old, walking them from game table to game table, from trunk to trunk as they stood there at each candyman or candy-woman greedily waiting for their piece of glorious sugary confection to be dropped into their pumpkin buckets. Their eyes just shined with glee as we finished making the rounds and they examined their buckets full of candy. Okay, is it time to go home now? Time for you girls to get in bed? (Time for me to raid the candy buckets?) So that's why I'm not napping right now. Raided the candy buckets...twice actually. (Shhhh)
We stayed at the festival long enough to not hear Nathan's name called to win the new surf board they were giving away. (I whispered to the lady doing the drawing that if she pulled Nathan's name, to quickly put it back! ~does he really need any help in injuring himself at the beach? I don't think so! He pretty much has that one covered all by himself, given that he's usually banged up or sore every time we come home from a day at the beach. Then who has to hear about it for the next got it!) I was really surprised that Emma didn't bounce home afterward. Every time I looked down at her she was sneaking another piece of chocolate. Seriously, she probably ate 4 candy bars and I know she ate two suckers. I kept telling her I was going to take her bucket away if she didn't quit eating all her candy. (Empty threats-and she knew it, apparently.) But she continued to sneak them...I'd look down at her and she'd have her back slightly turned away with her eyes cut up at me while she was digging as fast as she could to grab another piece. ha! Stinker! Taylor is different in that area...she's a beggar. She begged and bargained her way through several candy bars and two suckers as well. Even after all that candy they still went to bed at a decent hour and slept all night. Well, Taylor got up and was scared so I let her sleep with me. She kept hearing noises and couldn't could I turn her away when I feel her pain most nights. It would've been very hypocritical of me to tell her it was nothing and make her go back to her bed. Plus, with all the scary halloween junk that's all over the tv and in the stores, creepy, nasty masked things booing and howling at you at every turn, invading your mind when you're trying to go to sleep at night, who wouldn't be scared? Yeah, I hear ya-most people. (I hate halloween!) I am working on getting rid of some of the fears that I have. (Thank you, Jesus!) I am happy to say that I did pretty well while Nathan was gone this last week. I sang quite a few praise and worship songs...some in the middle of the night...but hey, it worked! Before I realized it, I was waking up to my alarm singing praise songs in my ear. I've found it's best for me to flood my world with praise and worship songs. I really think it helps to keep my children alive. ;-) ~joking! It helps me to attempt to keep on the straight and narrow. ~helps-not always accomplishes-but I'm workin' on that.
Well, Emma just woke up and informed me that it's "mowning (4:30 pm) and it's time fow huh to get up, put on huh sungwasses and push huh baby in duh stwoluh."
I'll post pictures of them in their halloween costumes this week. Taylor is a bride...which is really funny being that she is toothless! Emma is Fairytale Dora. No gorey blood or vampire teeth at our house...and it'll stay that way as long as I can help it! ...stupid halloween! :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Crash and Aspirations

Okay, so apparently the knocking on wood thing IS only a superstition. No truth to it as I see it. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, see yesterday's post below...)Last night after finishing my last blog and wondering if I had indeed jinxed myself by saying we'd had an "uneventful" day, I was shaken back into the reality of what is our "normal" life. Uneventful = not normal! We'd finished dinner and decided to go outside and let the girls play in the driveway and on the sidewalk in front of our house. (Since we have no yard this is their only option for playing outside other than swimming.) Taylor has been doing really well riding her bike without training wheels and she was practicing by riding up and down the sidewalk. Emma was riding her tricycle on the sidewalk too. It hasn't been a danger in the past because Taylor has only been able to go 10 feet or so at a time without putting her feet down and up until now Emma has never been in her way. Until last night. Taylor was doing great on her bike, actually going from one neighbor's driveway, past ours and turning around in the other neighbors driveway. She was a little wobbly but managed to keep her balance. You gotta know that when Taylor & Emma ride their bikes or scooters they're like little Evel Knievels. There is no speed too fast or too dangerous. There is only one speed and that's as fast as they can scoot or pedal. So anyway, Emma was on her trike coming down the sidewalk as hard and fast as her little stick legs could go. Meanwhile, Taylor is coming down the sidewalk from the other direction looking like a deer in headlights and a little more out of control and wobbly than usual. They are headed right for one another and neither of them are stopping or heaven forbid slowing down. Emma, as I imagine it, probably saw the look on Taylor's face and decided that she'd better stop right before Taylor got ready to pass her by. She stops but Taylor is unable to stop or control her bike and her handlebar crashed right into Emma's mouth! Taylor and her bike fall into the grass on the other side of the sidewalk and Emma is standing there screaming and in shock. Nathan and I had already started walking that way when we saw that Taylor wasn't stopping her bike and was going to try to ride past her. By the time I got to Emma, she has blood running out of her mouth and down her chin and both of her hands are covered in blood. Nathan is beginning to freak out at this point, as he usually does when he sees one of them get hurt...worse if there's blood involved. As much as I'd like to scream "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" and freak out myself, I have to stay calm to keep him and the kids from going ballistic. I gave him a calm look and said "She's okay" and then I scooped Emma up and ran her into the house where I could better assess the damage and try to keep any more blood from dripping on her cute little Gap dress (darn it!). Once I cleaned up her mouth a little I could see that she had busted her bottom lip in two places and also her top lip. I cleaned those place up but there was still blood coming out of her mouth so I lifted her top lip and was able to see the real damage. The handlebar had hit her gums just above her front two teeth. Her gums had been pushed up on one side and it had cut a gash across them too. They finally stopped bleeding after a couple minutes and she had stopped crying. As soon as I got her down from the cabinet she said "I won to go back outside again and pway! Can we, can we, can we?" So I gave her some Motrin and we went back outside to ride bikes again. She is the toughest little booger I know! Mouth swollen and lips blown up like balloons she's off again, riding as hard as she can. Poor Taylor was so worried about her. She kept asking if she was going to be okay and if it was her fault. She had to have just as many hugs as Emma did. After she saw that she was going to be okay, it was no big deal...yesterday's news.
This morning Emma's lips and gums were still swollen a little bit but she felt good. I doped her up and sent her off to school. -that sounded really bad - let me rephrase. I assessed her pain level, saw that she was feeling optimal but just as a precautionary measure I gave her a little Motrin. She went to school and had a great day!

One more thing before I go...I don't think I told this yet but the other day Emma informed me that she knows what she wants to be when she grows up...a butterfly. Taylor used to say that she wanted to be vet, but she has changed her mind now. Moved on to bigger and better things. Now she wants to be an animal cop. ;-) You Go Girls!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Uneventful, somewhat

It's been fairly uneventful here at our house the last few days. If you can EVER call life at our house uneventful. I'm probably going to regret even saying that before the night's over. If you're near any wood, knock on it for me as I am doing right now as well. Thanks! ~Will let you know if that worked in tomorrow's blog. ;-)
We went to Orlando on Sunday afternoon and got to eat dinner with Anita & Darrell. (For those that don't know, that is my aunt and uncle from Louisiana.) They were in town for a conference. It was so good to see them! When we sat down at our table I told Anita "I'm so ready to come home!" (Oops! Yes, I used the H word!) Nathan stopped his conversation with Darrell and looked at me and said "What?" I quickly wiped the pitiful homesick look off of my face and said "I said I'm ready to go to Arkansas." Relieved he said "Oh, you mean for Christmas. I thought you were talking about MOVING back there." I said "Oh, NO." Like no way would that thought EVER enter my mind...(you didn't get wet from the sarcasm dripping from that last statement did you?) I think he's afraid that I'm going to say that I've had enough of living down here and I'm ready to move back home. We made a deal when we moved down here that if at any time either of us got so miserable that we just couldn't live here anymore away from our families, we'd pick up and move back. We'd start all over again if we had to. Honestly I do wish we were closer to ho...Arkansas...(good save) but I'm not ready to move back yet. God's still working on me here and I'm not near done yet. -surprising to you, I know! :) Plus, Nathan has done so well with his company here that I wouldn't want him to give up the progress that he's made and tenure that he's earned with them.
The kids were excited to see Aunt 'Nita & Uncle Darrell as well! I felt like I spent the entire time in the bathroom with Emma, though. Maybe that's because I DID spend most of the night in there!! I don't know what was wrong with her...she was like an overstimulated cocker spaniel puppy. I bet we went to the bathroom 8 times! That is no exaggeration, either! Every 5 minutes she said she needed to go potty. I thought after the first time that she just wanted to get up and go to the bathroom and wash her hands, etc...but NO, she was actually going every time! I figured she was probably getting (or had) some kind of infection but she hasn't done it any more so I guess not. She was seated between Darrell & Anita. Taylor, Nathan and I were on the other side of the long booth. Nathan and Darrell kept having to get up to let us out. I'm pretty sure their meals got cold before they could finish them just as mine and hers did. Finally, (probably on the 7th time she said she had to go) I said NO, I'm not going do NOT have to PEE again, there's no way! She kept on squirming and then she said "I'm peeing, I'm peeing!" I said "YOU ARE NOT!" Anita looked down and lifted her skirt a little and she said "She really is! There's a little wet spot on her dress!" So, off to the potty we went again. This time I put a diaper on her. Why I didn't do that after the 4th or 5th time, I don't know. Well, yes I do, that would've been much too easy and I never do things the easy way. After getting Emma out of the wet panties and all diapered up I got back to my seat only to find Taylor sobbing with her head down on the table. GREAT! WHAT NOW?!! I figured she'd probably done or said something and Nathan had gotten on to her. Nope. I asked her "What's wrong, what happened?" She said "We're going back home." Apparently she'd asked her daddy what we were doing next with Aunt Anita and Uncle Darrell and he said well, nothing, we've got to home before it gets too have school tomorrow. She cried pretty much the rest of the night. She wanted to go back to their hotel and spend more time with them. Poor thing...she gets so upset whenever any of our family leaves or if we have to leave them to go back home. :'( She finally calmed down but still wasn't very happy. I had to keep telling her that it was only a couple more weeks until Nana would be here. So then we had to go through the whole discussion of "How many weeks is that; how many days is that?" (That discussion NEVER ends well.) It usually ends with a long, whiney "OOOHHHH, that's going to take forrrrrevvvvvvvvverrrrr! sob...sob...sob... Can't win for losin'.
Emma and I saw the shuttle take off this morning. We had just come out of Bible study at church and we watched it from the church parking lot. It's just so amazing and awesome to me. We could see the shuttle and the huge ball of fire propelling it up into the air. ~just awesome! At the church, you can even hear the boom from the take off several minutes after it takes off. It sounds like loud thunder that continues for several seconds. I get awestruck watching the planes come in and out of the airport too. It's just so amazing to me that something that gi-normous is in the air! I think my fear of them is partly what fuels my fascination with them. One thing we talked about in bible study that really hit home with me today was fear. I am afraid of EVERYTHING! It's something that I really struggle with. I hate it when Nathan is gone because I'm afraid of the dark, basically, and can't make myself go to sleep at night. I'm afraid of flying, getting into an accident, something happening to my kids or to Nathan. You name it and I'm probably afraid of it. Anyway, today the lady was talking about the verse in Timothy that says "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind." She talked about praying and asking God to deliver us from our fears and giving it to him. It is Satan who is causing us to have fear and it's just an evil plot that he can use to pull us away from God, even if for just a few minutes and he delights in knowing that he can scare us and use our fears against us. She said that when we feel that fear coming on that we should start quoting verses...any verses-not necessarily those about fear, or singing praises to God. Whenever you sing or praise God, his presence is there with you and therefore Satan (and fear) can't be. She said that if she gets afraid at night that she gets up and either reads her bible or starts singing praise songs and it helps her to get over her fear and get back to sleep. I think I'm going to try it when Nathan leaves this week. It may be 2AM at my house but I'm going to be "Oh what a singin', OH what a shoutin'"! Ha! Well, maybe not a shoutin'; definitely don't want to wake the girls, but I'll be gettin' my praise on, no less. Guh-low-ry Hallelujah!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Good Friday Morning to Ya!

It's FRIDAY! Yea!!
Those words used to have a lot more meaning to me when I was working but I still look forward to Friday and the weekends...Nathan's usually home, Taylor's Saturday soccer games, lazy Saturday afternoons, church on Sunday, lazy Sunday afternoons...
The girls are out of school today. We got to sleep in till 7:30 (thank you Emma!) this morning. Would've liked it to have been 8:30, but hey, I'll take what I can get. The girls have been playing around the house this morning...minimal fighting so far, so that's good! ;-)
I haven't been able to post much this week. It's been pretty busy around here. The last couple days I've been fighting a sinus infection and have felt like my face was going to split open. I've been drinking that "Airborne" stuff several times a day. It seems to be helping...I'm not getting any worse...maybe even a little better today. I just hate taking sinus medicine. It makes me feel like my head is the size of a watermelon and I feel all fuzzy till it wears off. So I'm going to try to avoid it and keep taking this other stuff.

I posted more recipes to my website this morning. I put the list of new ones added on here under "My favorite recipes & menus". I'm hoping to work on it a little more throughout the day today and maybe add a few more to it.

I bought a few pots of mums the other day and placed them out in the flower bed around one of the palm tress in an effort to try to make it look more like fall around here. The 90 degree heat and sweltering humidity keeps it lacking a fall feel though. We're supposed to get a "cold" front by the end of next week. So maybe we'll only get up to 88 instead of 90! Woohoo! I've noticed that I get the most homesick during this season. When October comes and all the fall things start appearing in stores and I'm wanting so badly to see leaves changing and feel cooler temperatures, I get really anxious for the holidays to get here so we can go back home. Just this week I was on my way to get Emma from school and I started thinking about the pumpkin bread that a girl was bringing to MOPS on Thursday (thinking about food-naturally!) and I started thinking about how much I enjoy those "fall" spices and smells and colors. That thought led to thinking about being with my family and how much I miss everybody...then come the tears...then I have to pull myself together before I step out to get Emma. Instantly when I get out of my car, see a few friends and have a couple conversations with these people who have become my family down here, that sadness and empty feeling is gone. I have to remind myself often of how blessed I've been being here in Florida. Yes, it's hard being so far away and not being able to see the people I love very often but at the same time God has really done amazing things for us here. It's during this season (ironically) that I struggle the most with being thankful and appreciative of what I have and where I am. Nathan usually helps in that area when I start saying "I want to go home.." (He doesn't like it when I use the word home in reference to AR or either of our parent's houses.) He reminds me that Arkansas is not "home"; My home is where he is and where my girls are. That's so true, you know. It's been a hard lesson for me to learn but since we've moved here God has shown me how misplaced my priorities have been. Not that they're always in the right order now, by no means, but I'm much more aware of it and sensitive to His calling now. So when I find myself wallowing in self pity and saying "Woe, is me" praise God that he brings me out of it and shows me what he has provided for me here. I don't think I'll ever get past missing my family so much and I don't want to. I believe that's one thing God uses to keep us close to each other and keeps us connecting with one another. Sometimes all it takes is just a thought of someone to make us miss them and make us want to pick up the phone or send out an email to that person and connect with them again.
On a lighter note :) ...I had to call our local poison control office yesterday. Remember the mums I mentioned before? Emma ate a few blooms off of one. How she managed to actually swallow them, I don't know. They have such a pungent smell. I can't imagine what they tasted like...not very good apparently. I heard her spitting and going "bluck" so I went over to her thinking that she'd taken too big of a bite of her lunch. When I asked her "did you take too big of a bite?" She said "No, I eat fwowers." "WHAT?!" So I check the floor and see a couple small buds laying there but they weren't wet or chewed. She told me that she swallowed them. Luckily, in small doses, they're not toxic. I did learn, from the really nice poison control man, that they are used in large quantities to make pesticides. He said she may show some signs of an allergic reaction but luckily she never did. "Woe is me...!" ~just kiddin'! ha!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Taylor has learned a new word.

I knew that it would happen sooner or later; I preferred later. Taylor has picked up a new word from a classmate(s) at school. Last Friday when I was volunteering in her classroom, I heard it come out of several different kid's mouths. And I thought to myself, I sure am glad Taylor doesn't use that word. It sounds so crude coming out of a 5 year old's mouth. Tonight while the girls were in the bathtub playing, I first heard "Eeeww...giggle, giggle." Then "Emma, you FARTED!" Now I know, it could've been a far worse word than that. Trust me, I've heard worse come out of their mouths but those words weren't used correctly and they didn't know what they were saying-just repeating them...and they didn't come from me! (Angel-saint that I am.) It just sounds so gross, I hate the word "fart". Normally I try not to reference it at all and have tried to teach the girls to say "poot" or even better "toot". Never do we use "pass gas"...that's much too refined for us. It's not really a big deal that Taylor now knows how to use that word and was using it without even thinking about it tonight. It's the fact that now Emma knows that word. Taylor can be broken from saying it with me just reminding her a few times that we don't need to use that word. Emma, however, based upon past experiences with her (Re: "there's a pig, he's eating on my toes,... there's a worm in my butt!" song) requires much more drastic measures to get her to quit saying (or singing) inappropriate things. I am so looking forward to trying to break her of this one! (eyes rolling back into my head)

Nathan comes home tomorrow night! The girls and I are picking him up from the airport in Orlando tomorrow night. His plane gets in at 8:30. Say a prayer for him for safety as he's flying in and for us as we're driving up there and back.

We've got a busy day tomorrow. Emma has's pet day. She gets to take a stuffed pet to show to the class. Every pet will receive a ribbon for something outstanding about it. She's really excited about it. I am going to be grocery shopping and cooking for MOPS that's on Thursday. Luckily, I have 4 other girls helping me this week so I will have it fairly easy tomorrow. I have some light cleaning to do around the house before Nathan gets home. Nothing major since we are such clean, neat people. Just some dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing God knows what off of my floors, cleaning the bathroom. You know, not much. I did get our shower scrubbed and that hair ball removed. ha! I honestly don't know how I have any hair left on my head! After washing, blow drying and straightening, I could knit two shag rugs out of the hair in the shower and on the bathroom floor. It's really quite amazing.

In my spare time today I created a new website specifically for recipes. I have gotten so into cooking and gathering new recipes over the last year. I absolutely LOVE watching food network. My all-time favorite is Paula Deen. She is so funny and her recipes are the best! I also like watching Giada (Everyday Italian). She has some pretty good recipes and tips too. Anyhoo, I have gathered so many good recipes lately that I decided to put them online to share. That way, MOM, whenever you call and say "I have to take food to xxxx, what can I fix?" I can say (very uppity) "Have you checked my website lately? ;-) I posted the web address on here under "Favorite Recipes and Menus". The website is still a work in progress. I have posted a few recipes on there though.

Speaking of Paula Deen, some of you already know this but last year in MOPS we decided to do a "spoof" cooking demonstration. At one of our meetings, we had collected recipes from all of the moms and copied them. For our craft we all made cookbooks using each other's recipes. Then afterward a few of us put on a show. One of us was "Barfa" Stewart, another was Rachel "Play" and I was Paula "Spleen". It was so much fun. I made up a slide show that played on a projection screen behind us during our presentation. I took our faces and pasted them onto the celebrity's bodies and then set it to music. Barfa Stewart threw together some pasta dish that looked easy and then she pulls out this masterpiece and says "This is good" "Anyone can do this." Rachel Play taught the moms how to make homemade playdoh and another mom dressed up as a little girl and got the stuff ALL OVER herself. I made a cheeseball recipe only I didn't use cream cheese, I used a pound of butter and I mixed it up with my hands which had huge rings on every finger. My southern accent came in handy! I said "Yall" a LOT and at the end, I pulled out a real cheese ball that I had colored yellow with food coloring (to make it look like the one made of butter) and I took a huge bite of it and moaned "Mmmm!" Anyway, we had so much fun with that. Before I go, I'll show you the picture of me as Paula "Spleen".

Monday, October 15, 2007


We've had several discussions at our house this afternoon about going to college. Taylor received her "cow" check in the mail today. She was excited about it. She called her Papaw Donny to thank him for sending it to her and to tell him that she's putting it into her college fund. She also told him that she wanted to use part of it to buy herself a car when she turns 16. (I didn't tell you that it was a golden calf??) She wants a "purple car with no top on it." (ha!) Anyway, she's had lots of questions about college. Like, "will it be fun?" Maybe. "Do I go to college before I go to high school or after?" After. "Do you graduate from college?" Yes. "Then will I have two graduations?" Yes, one from high school and then one from college. "Will you be there when I graduate?" Yes. (I'm thinking gosh, I hope so. Life is so uncertain!) "Will Emma and Daddy watch me too?" Yes. "Will I get one of those rolled up pieces of paper?" You mean a diploma? "Yes." Yes, you will. "Will I read it when I get home?" Probably not. :)

By this time she was in bed tonight and I think she finally asked all that she could think of before my last kiss and goodnight.

On Monday mornings I find myself thinking "Oh my gosh, it's already Monday, where did the weekend go?" Then on Friday I'm thinking "Oh my gosh, it's already Friday, where did the week go?" I know that's what I'm going to be saying when she does graduate from high school and college; "Oh my gosh, it was just yesterday that she was 5 and asking me if she was going to get one of those rolled up pieces of paper! Where did the time go?" Sob...Sob... I think I feel like the time is flying by maybe because I'm not working right now (outside of the home anyway). Because when I was working I remember still feeling that way about the weekend but certainly not about the week! The week would drag on for a solid month it seemed.

I've been having a rough time the last couple months with Taylor growing up on me all of a sudden. First Kindergarten and I'm going "What am I supposed to do with myself now?" and then the front tooth falls out, next the "ALMOST" ear piercing saga and now we're discussing college and what it all means. Somebody needs to slow this truck down!! -huh, that sounded really redneck, didn't it? Occasionally I catch myself coming out with something like that. Doesn't bother me too much though, just lets me know I've not forgotten my roots. :) Like the other night at our friend's house when we were carving the pumpkin, we were talking about possums and I was telling them a story about one being on our back porch right after Nathan and I married and Nathan was going to kill it so I asked him if he wanted me to get his gun and he said no, you can't shoot a gun in the city limits. After saying this to them I come out with "I'd never lived in the city limits so I didn't know..." I didn't think anything of it but they thought it was a hoot. After hearing them laugh I realized...there come them roots again!

Emma had school today. I'm sure she enlightened them with something. On the way to school I looked back at her in the rear view mirror and she was picking her nose...(a favorite past time of hers these days)...and I asked her to stop. She says "You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends and you can pick your friends nose too!" ha! I said "I don't think that's quite how it goes and please don't try to pick your friend's nose too." She had to talk to Papaw Donny tonight too. Bless his heart, he never understands anything she says. When I got the phone back and said "did you know what she was..." "Not a word" he said. ha! Of course with her you sometimes have to put it together in your mind what she's saying. I think she was trying to tattle on me to him because she said "My mommy took my pwant (plant) away fwom me today because I not mind to her and I watuh it too much." She didn't mind me when I was telling her "DO NOT water that plant again, it's overflowing!" She just kept right on pouring. So her plant had to go outside and out of her reach. I'm sure her Papaw Donny was just saying "yeah, yeah, yeah" ha!

Did any of you see America's Funniest Home Videos last night? They were showing some different clips of people dancing and acting silly and there was this one clip of this girl on there that looked JUST LIKE Aunt Laura! I had to keep rewinding it and playing it over and over. I would have sworn that it was her. It was so weird! I used my cell phone to video the TV playing the clip and I emailed the video to Laura. I also took still pictures of the TV paused on her face to send to her too. She emailed me back today saying that it was freaky how much it looked like her but that she didn't remember doing that or recognize the surroundings so it probably wasn't her. I'll email some of you the video and pictures I took of it and see if you think it looks like her. The video is funny...the girl has her faded navy sweats stuffed with pillows to make huge breasts and a gigantic butt and she's dancing around with this serious look on her face. -sounds like Laura too! See why I thought it was her!? :) Here is one of the pictures I took of it. The clarity isn't good since the picture is of my tv screen but you can still kind of see it well enough to tell that it looks like Laura.

Laura makes her debut on AFV!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Unproductive Sunday

We didn't go to church today. Taylor has had a cold for the last week and it started getting worse this weekend so we had to stay home today. I had planned to get so much done today. Since we didn't have to get up and get dressed and go somewhere today I was going to have one of those pajama cleaning days. You know the kind...where you stay in your pjs all day and attempt to get your house all cleaned up and scrubbed. The kind where your children steer clear of you for fear that you'll put them to work or fear of being clobbered by one of your flying limbs as you scrub yourself into a frenzy. Well, part of my plan worked. I'm still in my pjs.

The kids have been a blessed handful today. Emma found some nail polish (clear-thank you LORD!) and decided to do her nails and toes. She painted them on my computer desk. Did you know that nail polish will strip wood furniture down to the bare, smooth, not an ounce of stain left on you, surface? Interesting. No, I didn't kill her. She's still kickin'. Napping right now. I've found that's the best thing for her after little mishaps (did you hear the sarcasm) like that. Helps me to keep my sanity too. Ahhh, nap time. She has been in time out about 67 times today. Bless her heart, she just has such a strong will. She knows what she wants and no amount of my screaming "NO!", "STOP!" or "I'M FIXING TO SPANK YOUR LITTLE BUTT!" deters her from doing whatever she had in mind to do in the first place. One of her punishments today was that she had to clean her room. I put her in there in the middle of the mess and told her not to come out till it was done and I shut the door. Before I could get to the bottom of the stairs she was screaming through her tears "I gotta go potty!" I'm not sure if she really had to go or if she was using that to come out of her room. For fear of creating a bigger mess, I yelled up to her that she could go but must go right back into her room. Crying instantly ceases! She did get her room cleaned up. I only had to go back up once and put her back in there. She was so proud of herself. Taylor was shocked. I heard her say "OH MY GOSH! Who cleaned up this room for you?!" I think she wanted to make sure that I didn't clean it because I didn't clean HERS up for her. She came downstairs and said in her dramatic, you won't believe this voice "MOM, have you seeeeen her room? It's clean!" Taylor and I both were shocked that she'd picked up her toys. Usually when it's time to clean up the living room at night, she falls to the floor or across the couch in a limp heap and whines "I non't know how" or "I'm too tie-ewd" or "I don't feew dood". She does as little as possible to get her by without getting more than a couple swats on the behind and that's it. I guess she saw that I was about to go psycho-mom on her if she didn't straighted up and mind. ha! :)

Taylor has been a pretty good girl. (Probably due to nearly seeing psycho-mom appear.) She's pretty much been standing back letting Emma have all the glory today. (She's getting smarter! :) )She's been in about 4 different outfits so far today. But that's the norm for her. I really thought that having her hang and put away her own laundry and gather and bring down the dirty would influence her need to wear several different outfits everyday. Unfortunately, it hasn't. But if that's the worst there is to complain about, It's really not so bad. She cleaned her room today too. About a month ago, I moved her furniture around and changed up her room a little bit. She really likes it now. I switched out some of the furniture between her and Emma's rooms and it made her room look a little more mature. So she has been doing a really good job of keeping it clean. (Should've done that a long time ago!) She enjoys spending time in there now too. I moved a lamp that Emma had into Taylor's room and she loves that thing. Has it on all the time! I guess it helps to create a cozy feel in there that she likes. I'm hoping to fix up her room a little bit soon. I want to get her a new bedspread, maybe curtains and possibly paint the walls or get some of those wallpaper stickers and put up. I just can't decide exactly what I want to do in there or what colors I want to go with. She likes everything just about and is easy to please with that kind of stuff. Any good ideas about what I should do in there?? I want to go with something a little more mature...something that can last maybe a few years before it needs to be changed again. Her Papaw Donny sold her calf and had the check made out to her. I told her that she has a check coming in the mail...her "cow money". :) I explained to her that we are going to put the majority of the money into her savings account but that I'd let her have some of it to pick out some new things for her room. She's excited about that. Now if I can just keep her away from that Hannah Montana microphone clock and room stuff that they have at Wal-Mart now! ha!

Well, I guess I should go now...I told Taylor that I'd let her go swimming this afternoon and she's really beginning to get impatient with me!

Nathan, if you're reading this, I AM going to get the house cleaned. :) ...before you get home on Wednesday. So lets see, that means I have somewhere around.......39 more "working" hours till you get here. That'll probably be enough time for me to get that "living hair ball that nearly took off one of your toes" out of our shower drain before you get home. :)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Picture Below

I added a picture of us below from the Pumpkin Patch that we went to last night. More pictures from there are on Kodak Gallery website and will be emailed later....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Nothing much to write about today. Just another normal day for us. The afternoons (after 6:00) have been so nice the last few days. It's been cool and breezy. The girls and I have played outside in the driveway the last few afternoons. Tonight we went to Wendy's to get a frosty after supper and then sat outside and ate them...well I ate mine, the girls were too busy so theirs went into the freezer until we came in.
Nathan is gone this week. He left on Sunday going to Miami and will be in just to spend the night Friday night and then he flies out to Panama City on Saturday morning and will be gone until Wednesday. I'm not very happy about it! :( It's out of his control though. He is attending sales meetings put on by Mercury. I told him before he left last Sunday that I was not happy about it at all and that I'm so tired of him having to travel so much. I'm sick of being here by myself all the time. I know it's not his fault. He doesn't like it any more than I do. He told me that he guessed he could find a new job and I could go back to work and then he'd be home more. I perked up real quick and said "I'll get used to it!" :) ha!
Taylor has learned to spell a new word. "But". She thinks it's hilarious. I guess she learned it from a classmate at school because it's not one of the sight words they're working on yet. She came home from school the other day and said "Mom, I learned to spell a new word!" I asked her what word it was and she said "B-U-T, ha ha ha" I just looked at her like I was confused and I said "What's so funny about that?" She said "YOU KNOW, BUTT!" ha! I explained to her that "B-U-T" does not spell the same word as "hiney". I used it in several sentences to show her. She said "OH!" But she still thinks it's funny to spell it and say it.
I think Emma is still trying to run the show at her school. Sunday her teacher told me that all of the other kids noticed her not being there last Friday and she said it was so funny how one by one they all asked where Emma was and why she wasn't there. Today she told me that they were sitting in circle time talking about something and Emma said "Wait a minute!" She stood up and held out her hands by her sides with her palms down and said "I tink we need to cwean up dis mess, wite now!" She's getting so bossy. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that child! I think she might have said that because of the talk I had with her before school this morning. On Monday when I picked her up, her teacher told me that Emma was mad at her right now because she had to get on to her earlier. Emma had taken her arms and swept them across a table knocking everything off into the floor. Her teacher said "Emma! Don't do that! You need to help me pick this up right now." Emma said "No I not" and she said "Oh yes you are, get down here and help me right now!" SO this morning I told her that she'd better not tell Mrs. Warrington NO again and that if there was a mess that she'd made, she'd better pick it up. I really got on to her about it and kept telling her that she'd better clean up her messes or she'd be in trouble when I came to pick her up. ha!
Pray for me this week while Nathan's gone. Pray for him too. Also, Nathan's papaw is having eye surgery tomorrow to remove a cataract. And his Memaw goes back for a brain scan on Monday and she sees her doctor next Thursday. At her last appointment the original brain tumors had shrunk but they found more that weren't there before. She remains in good spirits and seems to be feeling well...or at least she does over the phone. I know she hides how she really feels and doesn't tell us what's really going on. Just remember to keep her in your prayers.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Whew, another Monday nearly done. I don't know about anyone else with little ones but I seem to have plenty of energy to get me through the night until bath time. Once I put them in the bath tub, not only is my energy gone but so is my patience!! It was so nice not having to do bath time last week!! No, they weren't stinky all week, Debbie bathed them for me every night. Not that she had much choice in the matter; they pretty much rule her time from breakfast to bedtime.

We didn't get to go to the park Saturday afternoon like we'd planned. Dark clouds came up and it looked like it was going to storm so we didn't even risk getting out in it. It was also really hot and humid. Instead we decided to go to the mall and walk around. Taylor was still crying and upset Saturday afternoon about Meme & Papaw leaving so I told her we'd go to the mall and let her and Emma play at the play place. She has been asking for months now to have her ears pierced and I haven't let her do it yet. She asked again and I felt sorry for her so I said yeah, I guess we can have your ears pierced while we're there. She perked up and got really excited. I was a little excited for her too. That is, until we got there and I started filling out the paperwork and signing everything. All of a sudden I started feeling really anxious about it and not sure I wanted her to have them yet. We had to wait on two other people to have theirs done and the whole time we waited I kept asking her if she was SURE she wanted to do it and she kept saying yes. The longer I stood there waiting and looking at her little baby ear lobes the sicker I was getting about it. The piercing gun kept messing up and getting stuck on the other girl's ears and the lady would have to use the tweezers to get it unstuck. I could tell from the look on the girl's faces that it hurt. The last girl asked if she would try to fix it before Taylor's turn because she said it really hurt and Taylor shouldn't have to feel that when she gets hers done. I kept asking Taylor if she didn't want to wait till another time. Finally I bribed her by telling her we'd get her this Hannah Montana thing in the store if she'd wait until November when Nana comes to have them pierced. She agreed really quickly then! :) I think she thought that we'd let her have this $20 long blond Hannah Montana wig that she saw. ha!! I know it sounds really stupid of me to have felt that way but I just couldn't help it...I wasn't comfortable with it at all after we got there. She is growing up too fast to begin with and I felt like piercing her ears would make her look even that much more grown up. I'm going to keep preparing myself for it and maybe when Mom comes in November I will let her do it then. Maybe... :)

I know Bill and Debbie are disappointed that I didn't let her do it. When Bill left a message on the machine saying that they had made it home, he sad in a sad voice "Taylor, I'm really sorry you didn't get to get your ears pierced, baby. Maybe your Mom will let you do it another time soon." I didn't let Taylor hear the message...didn't need to add any fuel to the fire and have her get upset about it. I was really proud of her how she handled herself when I asked her to wait. She didn't whine or cry about it and hasn't yet. I think she was a little freaked out by the gun getting stuck on those other girl's ears because she kept asking if that would happen to her too.

The MOPS Mom's Night Out was a lot of fun Friday night. The scavenger hunt was a blast! My group won!!! I didn't participate since I had made up the clues, I only drove the car wherever they wanted to go. Right after we started the hunt, it came a downpour and it stuck around for most of the time we were looking for the things. There were a lot of people we encountered that thought we were all crazy! One of the clues was to find two friends having coffee. We went into a panera bread company and found a middle-aged man and woman having coffee. We asked if we could take their picture and explained what we were doing and they said NO! (Makes you wonder what THEY were doing! ha!) I decided to go to a Dunkin Donuts and ask the employee at the drive-through to pose with another employee and pretend to talk while holding up their coffee cups. They agreed and made a really good (believable) picture for us to show back at the restaurant. We even talked a department store manager into dumping out the quarters in the cash register drawer to find us a Washington State quarter! When we all made it back to the restaurant, most of us looked like we'd done well avoiding being soaked in the rain, except for one lady who was the MOST competitive of all. She wanted to win so badly and she looked like a drowned rat at the end of it all. It was so funny. I think her group came in 2nd. I overheard one of her group members saying that they were really afraid because she was driving so fast and trying to take pictures out the window at the same time!! ha!!

Well, I need to go put a load of laundry on. Taylor has picture day at school tomorrow and the shirt she wants to wear is dirty...naturally! :)
One more thing...
Today my Bible study was about how to find out what God's will is for your life and about being in the center of his will and praising Him in every area of our lives, even in our work and jobs and I read a set of verses that really shook me and made me realize something that I don't do enough-be joyful and grateful all the time and in every situation. The verses were from 1 Thessalonians:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:
16 -18 Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Here are a few pictures that Debbie took of the girls while she was here. They left this morning. Sad day at our house! :,,( We're planning to go to the park this afternoon. Our church is putting on a Family Fun day and they're having water slides and blow up houses and all sorts of stuff for the kids. That should lift their spirits.

Meme & Papaw took the girls to the park to play.

Looks like Shirley Temple doesn't she?

Emma's curls

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday, October 5th, 2007

It's been a lazy day around here for me today. (Wonderful!!) I let Taylor and Emma stay home from school today since their Meme is leaving in the morning. We all slept in this morning. It was great. This was the first morning since Taylor started school that I've been able to sleep till 7:30. That counts Saturdays and Sundays too as we have to be dressed and leaving home by 7:40 on Sat. for soccer and I have to leave here by 8:00 for church on Sundays. Anyway, felt great this morning. The girls got dressed and went with their Meme and Papaw to Cracker Barrell to see Bill's cousin and uncle that live here. They had a good time. Of course they came back with lots of candy from the Cracker Barrell store. I enjoyed being here by myself for a while. I'm still in my pajamas and not planning to get dressed till later on this afternoon. ha! :)
I haven't posted any messages the last few days. It's been pretty busy around here. Wednesday I had to grocery shop for MOPS and then start cooking and getting things prepared for the meeting on Thursday. The other girl who usually helps me cook was sick so I was cooking and preparing food for 60 people by myself on Wed. I was cooking nonstop until 5:30. It all turned out okay though.

Wednesday night Nathan and I went out for his birthday. We ate at an Asian restaurant. It was good but they didn't bring out any forks, only chop sticks. I looked at Nathan and said "Where's my fork?" He said "you can eat with chop sticks, it's not that hard." I looked at him like he must be crazy and gave it my best shot. How are you supposed to eat fried rice with a stick?! I did my best, eating one or two grains at a time...the little peas were out of the question. I didn't complain though, just awkwardly grabbed my food with the sticks and rushed it to my mouth before it fell or was shot across the table. Finally Nathan asked our waitress if we could have forks. I guess he saw that it was going to take me another four hours to eat. ha! :) After that we went to a movie. There was nothing playing that looked any good. I'm ashamed to say that we saw Superbad. About two high school boys. That's about all I can say about it. It was pretty funny but very vulgar and gross. Since we didn't leave home till after 6:00 we had to see the 10:20 movie. The movie was two hours long so we didn't get home until 1:00. It's been a while since I've stayed out that late. I was whipped after Mops the next day. I fell asleep in the recliner and slept for several hours yesterday afternoon.

In addition to getting to bed late Wednesday night, I woke up sick as a dog about 3:45 Thursday morning. My dermatologist put me on an oral antibiotic and the first day I took it I noticed I had heart burn most of the day. By that time on Thursday morning, I had acid reflux really bad. It was so painful!! I thought I was going to die! Of course we didn't have any tums or pepto in the house. I had to sleep the rest of the night sitting up in the bed. I couldn't lay down or that acid would come up into my throat and I'd puke...okay that was probably too much info ((sorry)) :-/
All day yesterday and today I've not been able to eat or drink anything without pain. Yesterday I would have esophageal spasms any time I'd eat anything and they'd continue an hour or so afterward. I had to lay on two pillows again last night to keep my chest and head elevated. I've still had a few spasms today but not like yesterday. Hopefully the med. is getting out of my system and they'll stop all together. I spoke to the doctor this morning and she said that the medicine has been known to cause ulcers in the esophagus and that it sounded to her like that is what I have. I'm supposed to let them heal for a week or so and then start the medicine again but take it with a meal and see if that works. Not looking forward to trying it again but hopefully by taking it with food it will help it to not do that again.

Our MOPS meeting Thursday was on breast cancer awareness and everyone was supposed to wear pink. We had a nurse practitioner come and speak to us about breast health. I made these little pink ribbon danishes. They were cute. I took puff pastry rolled it out and cut it into strips. I piped a pink mixture of cream cheese, sugar and strawberry jam on the strip and then rolled it up and shaped it like a ribbon. I baked them and then piped strawberry icing on the top. It took me a while to get them all made but they looked and tasted good. I'd been developing the recipe all week and Debbie has been my taste tester. She'd come over and look at them and say..."that one didn't turn out quite right, I'll eat it and see how it tastes." ha!

Last night Nathan and I went to hit range balls at the driving range but it was closed when we got there due to all the rain we've had lately. We tried to get across town to the other driving range before it closed but traffic was so bad we didn't make it. I was so mad. I really wanted to go practice some more. The ride back home wasn't very pleasant for Nathan. I really tried to think of everything I could to blame him for us not getting to play but I never could put up a good argument without getting it shot down real quick. ha! :) Poor Nathan! ha!:)
Well, I guess I'd better go think about getting a shower. Tonight is a Mom's Night Out with my MOPS group. I was in charge of this one tonight. We're doing a scavenger hunt around town with our digital cameras and then meeting up at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. (Wish I'd known that my insides were going to be burning up ~ I'd have planned to have something other than Mexican!! ha! )

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Can you believe it is already OCTOBER?!!! Time is really flying by, it seems. The weather is a little more fallish here today. It's 83 degrees and it is really, really windy! The wind is making it feel cooler. We're going to go to the beach later on this afternoon to see the waves. Because of all this wind we've had the last two days the waves are supposed to be really big...10 and 12 footers! Hopefully we'll see some surfers who are dumb enough to get out there in them. :)
We had a really good Sunday. Sunday morning we all went to church. Bill & Debbie came with us. I think they enjoyed it. We absolutely love our church. We've made so many friends there and we just enjoy it so much. The music is awesome. We have a band that plays mostly contemporary christian music. Yesterday we were rockin' just about the whole time. I'm in the choir and we clap and sway back and forth to the songs. Kind of like a black gospel choir! Ha! It's fun but a lot different than the music services back home. It always seems to work out that we sing the most radical, rockin' songs when we have visitors there with us!
That afternoon after we ate lunch Nathan and I went to play golf. It was so fun!! Well, the second 9 were fun. The first 9 were pitiful on my part. I hit a few shots that didn't even go 5 feet in front of me!!! -and even swung several times and ...nothing...ball still sitting on the ground in front of me. SO EMBARRASSING!!! Luckily Nathan was patient with me and didn't seem embarrassed. Once we started the 10th hole, I figured out what I was doing wrong each time and then I was able to hit good shots almost every time after that. Most of them went straight. I was so proud that they were finally going the way I was aiming (or pretty much) and weren't flying off to the right. I just have to work on my pitching wedge(I hate that club! >:-( ) and putting now. We kept score on the second 9 holes and Nathan only beat me by like 8 or 9 shots. (doesn't sound very good but I was thrilled about it! ha!)
Took both the girls to school this morning. Fortunately they didn't put up a fight wanting to stay home with Meme. After that I spent the rest of my morning running errands before picking up Emma at 12. I really had my patience tested at Wal-Mart today. I took my car in to have the oil changed and they said it would be 45 minutes. So I went to the pharmacy to drop of my prescriptions and they were new ones that my dermatologist wrote for me this morning and she told me that they probably were not covered by my insurance and would be pretty expensive. So I asked the lady if she could tell me how much they would be first and she said not without filling them and running them on your insurance. (??) So I said well, if you fill them and then I decide that I don't want them if they're too expensive, is that okay? She said no, we don't want to fill them until you're sure you're going to pay for them! (????hmmm...) SO, I had to sit down there and call my insurance company and I found out that all 3 prescriptions together is only going to cost me $27! (Such a blessing!!) So I took the Rx's back to have them filled and they said it would be two hours before they would be ready. I decided right then that I wasn't going to stress or get bent out of shape about was no big deal. By this time my car should have been close to being ready so I headed for the Tire and Lube "EXPRESS" (yeah, right!). I didn't see my car and It hadn't been the full 45 minutes yet so I sat down in that nice little waiting room :) and waited. After it had been over an hour since I dropped it off, I got up and went to the counter, still not seeing my car out the window. Before I could ask if my car was done, the girl says "Are you the lady with the 07 Camry?" I said yes. She said, "Well, we caint do your "all" change 'cause we aint got a filter for it." I wanted to say, I've been in the store and sitting here for over an hour and you couldn't call me on the intercom or SOMETHING?!! But, I didn't. Only by the grace of God, I just smiled and said Okay and took my keys from her. Now, I'm thinking that not being able to get my Rx's might have been a blessing because it will get me out of the house alone AGAIN today when I have to go get them later!!! :)
It has been awesome having the in-laws here and getting to go and do things alone that I would normally have to drag the kids to. I think the girls are thankful too! They hate going to Wal-Mart, shopping, or anywhere other than the park. Nathan's birthday is on Wednesday and when his mom asked what he wanted he said "For you to keep the kids-that would be the best gift ever." ha!
Emma is down for a nap now so I think I'm going to go take one myself. :)

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