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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Coupons Coupons Coupons!!! Love Love Love!!!

I absolutely LOVE getting a great deal on the things I buy. Whether it be groceries, clothing, shoes, groceries, baby items, household items, groceries or groceries, doesn't matter; it THRILLS me to be able to get them on sale or discounted!

Just this weekend, I came across quite a few websites that have info on current sales and coupons you can print from your home printer and deals you can get online! I put the list of my favorite of those websites here on my blog to share with you. Many of the coupon sites will allow you to print more than one coupon so that you can use both (if your store permits) or use one now and save one for later. I found that with most of the coupons, I was able to print them twice.

You can become a fan of many of these websites on Facebook and keep up with new deals and coupon info through your newsfeed page. Some give you the option to subscribe to their site and they will email you with new coupons and deals that become available!

My biggest bargain I scored today was from Coldwater Creek! Through the Hip 2 Save website, I found a great deal on a pleated scarf! They are on sale for $4.99 and Hip 2 Save provided a discount code you can enter at checkout for an additional 25% off. After my tax and shipping my grand total was $4.09!!!! After purchasing this so cute pink scarf (also available in other colors) I decided $4.09 is SO cheap I should've bought two! So I went back to the site, figuring that it wouldn't let me use the discount code twice, and I put another scarf of a different color into my shopping cart. It DID allow me to use the code again so I got ANOTHER so cute scarf, again for just $4.09!

I haven't decided exactly what I'll do with my scarves yet...keep them for myself (depending on just how cutesie they are), use them as stocking (or Easter basket) stuffers for Taylor and Emma, or give them as a gift next Christmas. Doesn't matter...for $8.19 total, they're a steal! :) Here are pictures of my new bargain babies:

If you now need yourself a bargain scarf, here's the link and the discount code you can use to order yours from Coldwater Creek! (They also come in gray and a darker blue) DON'T FORGET: Use the code WHH8520 at checkout to take an additional 25% off!

If you like Old Navy deals as well, Hip 2 Save also tells you how to get Old Navy coupons (10% off your entire purchase and 15% off your entire purchase through 3/4/10) by clicking on certain links in their ad. You have to read the instructions closely though so that you click on the right's a little tricky but if I could do it, I'm sure you can too!

If you know of any other coupon or bargain websites that I didn't list, let me know! I'd love to check them out and add them to my list!
Happy Shopping!!! (is there really any other kind?! Well, maybe swimsuit shopping, but other than that?!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday ramblings: My attempt to postpone the housework just a little longer.

Well, it's a Monday! Got most of my to-do's checked off of my list. Except for anything to do with cleaning up our pigsty that was totally trashed over the cold, rainy, we can't go outside so we're stuck in here together, weekend. I'm completely avoiding it, however I think I'm going to HAVE to tackle the kitchen soon...something in there smells like the movie theater and we've not popped any "movie theater butter" popcorn lately. Weird! (...and scary!)

Went to the grocery store this morning with Addison after dropping the other two off at school. Seems like just about every time she and I are at the grocery store, there's some sort of major ordeal with her. Either she throws up all over herself, the cart and me and we have to abandon ship and leave. Or she is mad about something and is screaming, squirming and kicking the whole way through the store (have I mentioned she's got a bit of a temper???) with her mother rushing down the isles, grabbing the necessities, glaring and DARING anyone to look at us funny or comment on her fit. Today, thankfully, our deal was not a big one. We dealt and made it through our shopping list, all hair still in tact. About halfway through our trip she looks down at her bottom, starts lifting one leg, grabbing at her diaper and saying "Meh-meh, meh-meh, meh-meh." (That's her words for "Mama," or "Hey you, get me that," or "I want what you have," or just a general response to any question. Vocab is not one of her many talents right now.) Her diaper had leaked and soaked her bottom and down part of one leg. So I did what any good mother would do...I completely ignored it and finished the chore at hand-getting through that grocery list. What did you think I would do...take her to the restrooms and change her? Noooo way! I figured she was better off sitting in her own pee for a little while rather than going into one of those germ infested stink bombs we call public restrooms.

I have another doctor's appointment again this week. Those things just keep coming faster and faster! It's a "nothing" appointment. One where I'll go in and he'll say "You good?" and I'll say "I'm good" and then he'll say "Good, see ya in two weeks." And I'll say, "Really, two weeks? Crap, are we getting that close already?" Not that I'm not anxious to meet our little Macy, I just know she's a WHOLE LOT easier to take care of right where she is right now! Oh, yes, her name is going to be Macy I guess. Can you hear the "I like it alright but not just overly enthused about it" tone in my words? Nathan named her. He said since I named the other three and since he had to go through the "procedure" of making sure we have no more children, he gets the privilege this time and it was either Macy or Bella so I should be thankful that it's Macy! No middle name decided on yet though. I also have to do that glucose test this time too...drink the nasty sweet "oh it tastes like sprite if you get the lemon-lime flavor bull" stuff, then wait an hour and have blood drawn to check for gestational diabetes. So I decided that maybe we should go ahead and while we're waiting during that hour, have one of the 3D ultrasounds done. I called today and as it turns out, you have to be 28 weeks before they'll do it. I'll be 27 and 3 days...apparently those extra 4 days makes a difference to the scheduling receptionist. I tried to explain how since I'd be there anyway, how much more convenient it would be to do it then....nope, no luck in swaying her. So I'm going to go back on March 3rd, 5 days later and have it done then. In those 5 days, the baby will have grown & developed substantially and will be able to look at us, smile and wave, giving us much better pictures of her. I'm not put out by the receptionists inflexibility or anything.

On a more serious note, I have to ask you to all say a little prayer for us. Nathan and I are considering not sending our girls to public school next year. I've had this overwhelming notion for several months now that maybe I should home school them. Any of you that know me very well know this is extremely "left field" for me! I have never thought I would, should or could home school. I loved my job teaching in public school and always thought my children would be a part of a great public school system, just as Nathan and I were. But the fact is, times are changing and things are just not the same as when we were in school. There have also been some other little issues and concerns I've had lately that have also contributed to us considering it. I am extremely fearful but at the same time I know that if God is calling me to do this, he'll provide the means. So I'm just going to keep praying about it and researching it for now and hopefully we'll know for sure soon what we're going to do.

Well, car loop line's-a-callin' so till next time... :)

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