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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And Here We Go Again!

Well, it's PAST time for a post, or so I've been told! I have found that updating a quick, short facebook status has been much easier for me to find time to do rather than updating this blog. Just because I am overly critical of what I write on here and have to go back, edit, add to and take away before I will post it and by that time three hours have gone by and well, frankly, I just don't have that kind of time laying around these days. I just had a thought...just imagine if I could magically turn all these goldfish and cheerios that are scattered on my kitchen floor into minutes added to my day...not just ANY minutes, FREE TIME/MOMMY TIME minutes! Well, wait a minute, now that I think about it, that would just push bed time back...never mind, nix that idea!

Okay, enough stalling...on to the good stuff that you came here for...

I found out yesterday that I am going to be an aunt again! My brother and sister in law are having another baby! I am so excited for them but at the same time I was completely shocked to find out she's due the end of May, she's 7 weeks along. Why am I so shocked? Because I too am also due the end of May, 8 weeks along. Yes, you read right, we are having another baby too. If our due dates are figured correctly, I am due May 25th and she is due May 29th! Isn't that the craziest thing you've ever heard! I know what you're thinking..."NO, that's not the craziest thing...the craziest thing is that YOU are having a 4th CHILD!!" Yes that is nuts too, I agree. I know you're sitting there trying to calculate how old Addison will be when this one gets here...she'll be almost 19 months. Taylor will be 8, Emma 5.

It has not been the easiest news to swallow, let me tell you! I have known for a month now and have just now been able to talk about it without going to pieces. But I've come to the realization that I'm just not supposed to ever have clean hair, fresh makeup and be dressed in anything but ratty t-shirts and athletic pants, ever again. And I'm okay with that!

I was really afraid of what Taylor and Emma would say when they found out. I don't really know what reaction I thought I would get from them, I just didn't think they would be very happy about having another baby in house. They were excited though.
It made it a little easier to be able to tell them about aunt Lesley at the same time too. They kept saying "Wow! Two babies!" Then Taylor looked at me kind of funny and said, "Mom, four kids?! FOUR!!! Oh my goodness!" Emma, just laughed and went right back to being in her own little Emma world where everything revolves around her and sings to her music. She hasn't really had much of an opinion about it. Which I expected. She's a strange one, that one.

Now that I have let the cat out of the bag and have gotten the news out into the open, I am feeling a little bit better about the whole situation. I have to keep reminding myself that babies are a blessing and how fortunate I am to be able to have them when there are so many couples out there that want them so badly and can't have one of their own. I do feel blessed.

Now, I know you're wondering about Nathan and how he is handling the news. If you know him very well, you know how he has never been one to want more than one or maybe two children. But just as his reaction was when he found out we were having a third, he was excited again and thought it was really something that we would now have four kids. He has seen it as nothing else but a blessing and has had no doubts about our abilities to raise a fourth at all. I tell him he only feels that way because he gets to LEAVE every day!!! He overlooks all the day to day things and sees the big picture. He thinks about Christmases and Thanksgivings when the kids are older and how much fun it will be to have a big family during those times. I think about those too...but it's always prefaced with "If I survive and make it to..."

We're going to have a very busy spring on BOTH sides of our family! On my side, we will have my brother and sister-in-law's new baby, our new baby, and my cousin Abby is having a baby in April too. Three new babies on that side! Which will bring our family Christmas count to 35! I think, if I counted them all! That's just my Mom's parents, mom's sisters and brothers in law, and their children and grandchildren. And yes, we all still get together and exchange gifts every Christmas. It's wild but so much fun! On Nathan's side, his brother Jerry and his wife, Amy, are expecting a baby in April too! Two new babies at Meme's house! And all of the grandchildren at her house so far are ALL GIRLS! We have four girls there now. And, Amy and I suspect that we'll both probably have girls again this time since that seems to be all these Holland men make. So, possibly 6 little girls! Very expensive! :)

Well, I smell something strange, and it's either me or Addison's diaper so I'd better get off and either change a diaper or shower. And FYI, if you choose to comment on this post, I have already heard all the comments I need to hear such as "Don't you know what causes that?" And, "Have the Mormons converted you guys up there in Oklahoma?" And, "Watch out Duggars!" Those comments, while as hilarious as they are, have gotten old and stale on this end now so if you absolutely MUST make a joke, please come up with something new and fresh that will make me laugh! Thank you! :)

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