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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hey, Let's Go To The Dentist!!

Normally I don't post a message this soon after a previous one but my day today was "post worthy" I felt. My children gave me plenty of drama and humor this afternoon. ~and after you hear about it you'll understand that "blogger therapy" was a necessity for me tonight.

The day started out pretty well. After getting Taylor delivered to her classroom, Emma and I headed to Bible study. My class was fun. We all laughed a lot and learned a lot as well. After Bible study was over Emma and I headed to the mall to make a couple of exchanges and have lunch. We had a good time, just the two of us. She acted very mannerly and disciplined the whole time. I was so proud of her. ~and very curious of exactly who this child was that had taken up shop in Emma's body. But I didn't dare question where the real Emma was, I just reveled in the moment. We got our exchanges done and our lunch ate and headed home, victoriously avoiding the mall play area with very little fit throwing about it.

At 2:00 we picked up Taylor from school. My day is still going [strangely] euphorically well. Taylor claimed to have a great day at school and was excited when I told her that she had a dentist appointment later this afternoon. (She hasn't been to the dentist since we lived in Hot at least 2 1/2 years ago...I know, I know, I'm a horrible mother for not already taking her...yeah, yeah)

So now this is where my day begins to take a turn to the dark side. I had put Emma down for a quick nap earlier when we got home from picking Taylor up. I put to bed a happy little angel baby and woke up a demon child who was madder than 'you know the place'! Why? I have no idea. I just know that she was not a happy camper and I had to put fuel on the fire because I had to brush her hair and get her dressed to leave. She didn't want to wear what I was putting on her, her flip flops hurt her toes, she didn't NEED TO GO she sits there filling up the throne, and she DIDN'T WAN NO BOW IN HUH HAYUH!" What should've taken me 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, took me closer to 30. We FINALLY start to head out the door, 3 minutes before Taylor's appointment time!! (Luckily the office was only 5 minutes away...only 2 minutes late, which for us could be considered early!) No longer was I the confident, happy, keepin'-it-together mom. Psycho mom was desperately trying to rear her ugly face!

At the dentist's office, the ladies at the desk looked as frazzled as I was when I walked in the door. They were very busy with whatever it is that they do. I found out later that everyone including the hygienists and nurses were in a hurry because they had a meeting to get to that afternoon. That should've been my first sign to turn around and leave right then. Well, the nurse came to get Taylor, who by this time had started to get nervous, and she escorted her to the back, (not even asking if I'd like to go with her), while at the same time handing me 67 forms to fill out and sign. I asked if I could go with her but no, they needed the forms and I wasn't "allowed to be in the room for x-rays which is what they were doing first." So I rushed through signing God knows what and checking every "no" on the four page form of medical history (SHE'S 6 FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!! NO, SHE DOESN'T HAVE SYMPTOMS OF ARTHRITIS OR PROSTATE ISSUES! DON'T THEY MAKE MEDICAL HISTORY FORMS FOR CHILDREN???) Finally I finished the forms and was allowed to go back to the extremely small and crowded exam room where Taylor was reclining in the chair waiting. The nurse put Emma and I on a teensy little stool in the corner and told us to watch out and not bump our heads on the shelves that were right above the stool. (Thanks!) Emma would not sit still. I swear she must've flipped and flopped in my lap a hundred times. And here we are not sitting in a chair with a back support but on a stool that only held one of my butt cheeks! I would've normally already put her down on the floor to stand but we were surrounded by wires and all sorts of dental equipment. It might've been fine for any other child to stand amongst it but it was a hazard for Emma. The doctor finally came in 30 minutes later, took a quick look in Taylor's mouth and said "Nice healthy mouth, needs to floss more. Have a good day." I thought "Wow! We waited thirty minutes for that. Fabulous!" (~that was sarcastic, in case you didn't hear it.)

The nurse sits down now and proceeds to polish Taylor's teeth before the hygienist starts her part. She gives Taylor a run down of all the equipment that she'll be using on her in about 10 seconds and then she proceeds to polish. Taylor is doing great considering I know she didn't even catch one word of that explanation she was given of what was about to be done to her. I'm situating Emma on my lap again and telling her through clenched teeth to "BE STILL", when all of a sudden I hear the suction tool and Taylor about jumps out of the chair and starts bawling. The nurse jerked back in shock and just looked at Taylor and at me. I got up to console her, ask her what happened and tell her that everything was alright-it was just sucking the spit out of her mouth. The hygienist walked in as I was calming Taylor down and I told her that she just got scared of the suction tool but that she was alright. That lady looked at me and the nurse (who is now putting away all of her tools and taking off her gloves -giving up!!!) and says, "We're gonna need to recommend her to a specialist." All of this took place in a matter of two minutes, at the most! Apparently she felt the need to keep saying that "She needs to go to a specialist" because I kept standing there stunned and staring at her with my mouth open not believing that they were stopping and giving up that quickly. Didn't they know how difficult it was for me to get us there in the first place and then we'd spent 45 minutes there already and now she's telling me I have to take her somewhere else??!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! In utter disbelief, I managed to cough out the question "Specialist?!" She said "Yes, Ma'am, she needs to go see someone who treats children who are afraid." I just kept standing there looking at her, dumbfounded. I honestly could not believe they were not going to finish. It's not like Taylor was out of control or was refusing to open her mouth. She'd just been startled because she wasn't warned that the suction tool was fixing to be shoved into her cheek.

I guess I kept standing there longer than they expected because they kept asking me "Now, how old is she?" (They treat patients beginning at age 6.) "Grrrr...She's 6!" "Yeah, she needs to go to a specialist, they'll be able to treat her better and handle her better." The point was, they didn't want to take the time necessary to work with a child because they were in a rush to get to their meeting. As I walked out of the office dragging my children along, I was so ticked off that I could have spit nails! I imagine I looked something like the guy who plays the incredible hulk just before he makes his transition into the big green monster.

Emma had to pour salt in the wound too before we left. When we were sitting in the waiting room waiting on the nurse to bring me a referral from the dentist, Emma kept saying to Taylor "Sissy, you didn't get a new toowf bwush and you didn't get a stick-uh ee-duh!" "Sissy, you doan get to have a new toowf bwush!" Poor Taylor was just sitting there, still scared and upset but not crying anymore; thinking she'd done something wrong. That's just like an ole' meanie sister, isn't it!

After we got in the car we had to go straight to the baseball field to register Taylor for t-ball. The entire way there the girls fought, teased each other, screamed and cried, something fierce! I thought I was going to be completely gray headed before we could get there. I did see something that pulled me out of my stupor and made me laugh a little despite my screaming children in the backseat. I got behind this car that had been purchased from Dimmit Chevrolet in 'Podunk' Florida. You can get an idea of my state of mind by this point by my finding the name "Dimmit" humorous. All I could think about was that some poor soul had grown up with the last name "Dimmit"! ha! In my head I started yelling at the girls, "STOP IT, DIMMIT!!" and I thought it was so funny. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a little dose of comic relief before I slipped off the deep end.

We pulled into the parking lot and were a few minutes early so we sat in the car to wait until closer to time. Emma, of course, wanted to know what we were doing so I told her and she decided that she wanted to play t-ball too. I explained to her that she had to be 6 years old before she could play and that maybe we could see about letting her take dance instead.

Have you ever read any Junie B. Jones books? I don't read them much any more now that Emma is getting older and talking more because they scare me. Emma has many qualities that are like Junie B. On more than one occasion I have thought that things she did or said sounded just like something I'd read in a Junie B. Jones book. Like this for instance: We got out of the car to go up to the concession stand to meet the registration lady and the whole way up there Emma was jabbering LOUDLY "I'm not twee any mow, Mama! I'm six now and I wone to pway t-ball too. Mama! Do you hee-uw me? I'm not twee! I'm six so I can pway! Hey, I doan see whey-uw da dance is? Mama, whey-uw is my dance at? Am I gonna dance hee-uw?"

By the time we were back in the car headed home, I needed to be comforted. Badly! I'd had it!!! ~and I'd told the girls that several times now. It was already after 6 o'clock and now I had to figure out something for supper. Sadly, when I need to be comforted, I often look to food to do that for me. So we stopped by Chilis and picked up their appetizer sampler and a huge coke that I could drown myself in. Man, it was a gooood coke! As usual all that the "comfort" food did for me was make me feel bloated and nauseated. I did get some relief in the form of early bed time. I had Emma bathed and in bed by 7:45 and Taylor was in the shower, on her way to being ready for bed.

When I put them to bed, and get them all snuggled in and help them say their prayers, it's like most of the day's stresses and drama just fades away. This is when I think my girls are the most precious. When they're settled down, telling me they love me and saying goodnight. I turn out their lights, tell them I'll see them in the morning and smiling, I quietly close the door.

...just kidding! ;-)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A visit from Nana and Papaw

The weekends always go by way too fast, don't they? They especially do when you're dreading the end of them more than usual.
Mom and Dad got here Thursday afternoon. The girls were ecstatic! We had to peel them from the ceiling all weekend long. They were so excited to get to spend time with their Nana and Papaw. On Friday, Nathan and Dad went fishing. (I think that was the main reason we got my Dad down here for the weekend-aside from seeing his girls, of course!) The girls, Mom and I went shopping. We found lots of good deals for the kids. ~Isn't that ALWAYS the way it works out? We all had a good time, well Mom and I enjoyed ourselves. I had to bribe the girls with a new webkinz pet and a chance to play in the play area at the mall to keep them from whining about going into ANOTHER store. Hey, whatever works! Taylor HATES to try on clothes! I have such a hard time finding things that fit her right that I have to have her try on everything as not to risk having to come back with returns. So she had to be reminded of her reward (new webkinz) many, many times. Emma doesn't mind trying on so much, it's just getting her to stand still long enough to get the clothes on her! She bends and poses and sticks out her behind while you're squatting down to her level pulling and tugging to get things over her little booty that she's holding way out to the side, begging her to straighten up and hold still. It's a workout in itself! I put Mom in one dressing room with Emma and I took another room with Taylor. After about 4 1/2 hours at the mall, both girls had reached their breaking point. So I bought them their new pets and we headed home.

We'd had a good excuse to stay out shopping all afternoon. We talked to Nathan and Dad earlier in the day and they were on their way home to take a nap and encouraged us to spend as much time out that afternoon as we'd wanted to. They left home that morning to go fishing at 4 am!! How they find that sport anywhere near worth getting up at that ridiculous time in the morning is beyond me! But anyway, it did give us a good excuse to do a little more shopping. ~We were helping them out and doing something nice FOR THEM. Uh huh.

Later that night Nathan was asking if I had gone in a particular department store known for heavily reducing the prices of their nicer khaki pants and dress shirts this time of year. Since they NEVER reduce anything worth looking at in the misses department like they did in men's, I had bypassed them all together. (I'll show THEM!) He had stopped in that store in a mall in Stuart (a town about an hour or so south of here) and said that they had tons of khakis and dress shirts really cheap. So he got my dad interested in checking it out and believing that he could use a few new duds himself. So Saturday, after having a big breakfast and all of us getting dressed, we headed down to Stuart to the mall. We didn't tell the girls where we were going, lest we'd see the devil himself come out in them and fits would be had. So we told them we were just taking a ride and going to Stuart to see what we could find and we'd go out to eat. Since they both love going to restaurants, they kept their fits in check. That is until we got to the mall. Upon entering the parking lot, Taylor made the connection and verbalized it that "This looks like a mall! Please tell me we're NOT going shopping again!" Then Emma chimed in "NO, I don wan go to da maw!" We assured them that we'd only be a few minutes to let Daddy and Papaw find some pants and shirts. Taylor did pretty well the whole time, keeping the whining and dragging of feet to a minimum. Emma didn't do as well. She started crying and whining about 30 minutes into it. She didn't stop until we were walking back through the parking lot. It was not a pleasant experience! And of course, that would be the time I'd find several really cute things (ON SALE) that I wanted to try on but couldn't since she was throwing fits every 2 minutes. Oh well. We did have a nice dinner.

We went to a seafood place on the river (Intercoastal Waterway). We sat outside on the back deck and the weather was so nice. There was a warm breeze blowing the whole time. The girls got to feed the seagulls the leftover bread we'd had. They loved doing that. Mom and I enjoyed sharing a piece of key lime pie and coffees after we'd persuaded the men to take the girls to feed the birds. When they came back, there was one bite of pie left that had to be split by two slightly perturbed little girls. ~they hadn't known we were sitting there enjoying dessert! ;-) Since it was time to go they just shoveled in their half bites and licked their spoons clean right quick without saying much.

This morning we got up early to take Nana and Papaw back to the airport to catch their plane home. On the way to the airport, Emma decided that she didn't want to call Papaw "Papaw" anymore, rather she is going to start calling him "just 'Paw'". Not long after that little revelation, she decided that "Paw" wasn't right either, instead it would be "Pop". By the time we let them out at the airport, he was being called "Poppy". We'll see if any of those stick. Taylor was pretty quiet the whole trip. She is always very sad the day her grandparents leave. It's heartbreaking for me to see her that way. She did hold it together pretty well and didn't cry too much, unlike Emma who wailed and wailed for miles after pulling away from the airport. Taylor was hugging on Emma in the back seat and trying to comfort her. It was sweet. She told her "Emma, when you start missing Nana, just smell of your neck and you can smell her." I about lost it when I heard her say that. But then the tears were replaced by laughter when I looked in then rear view mirror to see Emma straining her head down as far as she could trying to get her nose to her neck. She was getting frustrated and said "How do you do dat? I can't do it!" Taylor showed her to pull out the neck of her shirt and put her nose to it. Much easier than bending your neck down. Apparently she smelled Mom's perfume on her too because she hushed and was mesmerized by that for a while.

Nathan left today too, heading for Wisconsin for meetings. He'll be there until Wednesday afternoon. Before he left he was telling Taylor that they had piles of snow there taller than his head and how he was going to get to see a lot of snow. He asked her if she'd like to live there one day. I interjected that they don't have swimming pools in their backyards there and they never get to go swimming since it's cold up there (thinking that I'd turn her off to the idea of living in a place like that) to which she replied "Yeah, but they have ice skating!" I guess she told me!

Well, I know this post wasn't very witty or funny. I didn't much have any of that in me this afternoon. I hope you have a great week this week and try to look on the bright side of whatever situations you're in this week (like Taylor did with the ice skating). Talk to you again soon!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fab Hair Day Cut Short by Monsoon

(**Disclaimer: Please excuse any spelling mistakes in the following post...the spell checker button is broken on this thing! ~and sorry this is so long. It's only one day's worth of occurrences...if that gives you ANY idea of how long my day was yesterday. I'm sure you'll find it to be a quick and amusing read. You have my permission to add me to your prayer chain, prayer list, or whatever. )

(Tuesday, February 12th, 2008)
It is a messy day here today! It started out fairly nice, cloudy but nice. Emma and I went to Bible study this morning. Afterward, we stopped by Wal-Mart to return a duplicate toy that she'd received for her birthday and pick out something else. As I was walking in I figured it might be raining by the time we got finished but I didn't think much of it and I didn't have a single umbrella in the car anyway, so we went on in not worrying about what we might come back out to. An hour later after FINALLY finding a toy that was good enough to replace the other one, we headed for the doors. It was not just raining. It was monsooning!!! A feeling of pure dread and disgust flew all over me as I stood there looking out the doors hesitating and wondering "What can I do? What can I do?" I hadn't put Emma in a cart since we were just going in after one thing. (However, it IS Wal-mart so we came out with three bags full!) Upon coming to the conclusion that the rain was not going to slack up any time soon, I decided I could get to the car faster with Emma and the bags in a shopping cart. So we found a cart near the doors and I slid Emma in and laid all of our bags inside, rolling the tops down, attempting to protect the contents from the downpour that awaited. Remember I told you about me going to the gym and running on the treadmill? Well, we were about to see if it had been paying off! Of course, my car was parked half way across the parking lot, so I was going to have to book it if I was going to get there quickly enough that we wouldn't be completely soaked to the core. ~Apparently I'm going to need more training on the treadmill.~ I slowly approached the automatic doors that headed out into the torrential cascade of showers. I told Emma to hold on tight, we were running for it. And I was off. Have you got the mental picture in your head?? Emma is hanging on for dear life. I'm running as fast as I can, arms stretched out and legs striding as wide as they'll go. I know you see it now...and it's okay that you're laughing at me; if it hadn't actually been ME, I would be laughing too... The buckets of water were falling much heavier than they appeared to be from the shelter of the store. Emma kept squinting her eyes, trying to keep the rain out and yelling "Aahhhh! Aahhhh!" as I was yelling back "Holy Cow! Hang ON! It's Okay, It's Just Rain, Emma! This Is Fun, Emma!" (-trying to convince myself more than her!) She was just looking at me like I had finally fallen off the deep end! Dumbfounded! The entire time I was running, completely taken aback by the amount of water falling from the sky, all I could think about was the children's church song "The rains came down as the floods came up, the rains came down as the floods came up..." Despite how fast it felt like I was running, by the time we reached the car, you couldn't have gotten either of us any wetter than if you'd sprayed us down with a fire hose! Hair, clothes, purse, bags, ALL, soaked! Then of course once we reached the car, I had to get Emma into her car seat and buckle it before I could close her door. When I finally got the bags and myself into the car all I could do was sit there and pant. I glanced up into my mirror and Lord bless, it was a frightful sight! My hair was in ringlet curls all over my head, still dripping, and the rain had pelted my face so that my eye makeup was running down my cheeks. I managed to find ONE old Sonic napkin in my console to blot the makeup from my face. I turned around to look at Emma and she's sitting back there in a trance looking like a drowned rat...eyes as wide as they can get. I said "Whew, we got a little wet didn't we, Emma!" Understatement of the year! I was trying to comfort her a little. She just said "Yeah, I want Buddy!" (Buddy is her little stuffed pink elephant that she sleeps with every night and occasionally takes with us when we go somewhere. Her comfort. -especially at times when she thinks that her Mama has gone completely psycho!) I found Buddy in the floor board and handed him to her. She held him up close to her face and kept staring at me.

The ironic thing about all of this is that for the first time in a long time, I was having a GREAT hair day!! (~ I know it's shallow, but stay with me!) When you live in
armpit, Florida, having a good hair day despite the humidity is a major deal! I had straightened it a little this morning but it still had a lot of body. It was smooth and shiny. I mean, I could have seriously done a shampoo commercial today. I nearly broke my neck swingin' it back and forth and admiring it in the mirror. I was lookin' good this morning! ~well, my hair was at least. When I got home and went into the bathroom to survey the damage, I realized that Emma not only gets her curls from my dad but also from me. When I purposely try to let my hair curl and stay wavy after I wash it, it's not even as curly as it was after the deluge I had been in 15 minutes earlier. It looked like I had just finished having a spiral perm put in my hair. Which would've been fine if I hadn't already spent so much time this morning getting it smooth and straight. Oh, WELL!! So much for that. Now it's pulled back into a pony tail and flippin' out all over the place. ...the usual.

I had several more things I'd intended to say this afternoon but I have run out of time talking about my stupid hair. If I get a chance later, I'll add to this post. Nate is out of town for the rest of the week so I will most likely be bloggin' my fingers off, attempting to keep my sanity! ;-)
And on that same note, say a prayer for me that I'll keep it together while he's gone. I rarely sleep well at all when he's not here. Also since you're prayin', pray for him too that things will go well this week at the Miami International Boat Show that he's working at.

~~~~~Continuation of previous post~~~~~
Somehow yesterday afternoon (it is now Wednesday morning; the morining after yesterday's post) I knew that my day would be filled with more post worthy material. Good thing I didn't know exactly what it would be or I would've gone straight to bed and pulled the covers over my head!
Okay, so after leaving you yesterday it was time to pick up Taylor from school. So I went and sat in the car line and waited...and waited...and waited (as usual). The great thing I've found about waiting in the car line is that I can read while I wait. I don't have to worry about what Emma is doing while I engross myself into the pages of my book because she is strapped into her car seat in the back seat. I usually let her bring along a book or some kind of toy to keep her occupied as well. ANYWAY, after leaving the car line with Taylor now in tow, we headed to the post office. I had several different things to mail that required more than just standing in line to buy stamps. I'm not sure what it is about the post office that makes my girls lose all recollection of how they are supposed to act in public but it never fails, they do the second we walk in the door. I'm beginning to think the postal supplies are laced with some sort of airborne hyperactivity stimulant. Before going inside, I warned them that they'd be very sorry if they acted up in there and that they'd better be on their best behavior. Apparently that speech to them sounded like "Blahhhhhh, Blah, Blah, Blahhhhh, Blah, Blah! And I mean it!" For the second we walked in, they began running circles around me and every other display in the place. No amount squeezing their arms as I pulled them in closer to me or giving them the evilest of evil eyes seemed to deter them. ...until we reached the counter to pay for our stuff, and THEN when spoken sweetly to by the postal lady, they put on their angel faces and smiled ever so humbly at her. I asked what the postage would cost me to overnight them to Arkansas, assuring her that I'd put them in packing peanuts and give them snacks to sustain them for the trip. She wouldn't hear of it though. ~apparently doesn't have children of her own!! Needless to say, by the time we got home I was fit to be tied and they were still apologizing, knowing that punishment was surely coming. They were both sent straight to their beds for a nap. I've found that that punishment works very well for me. ;-)
After a couple of hours of peace it was time to wake the blessed angels so that we could get ready to go to Family Night at Wendy's. We were meeting some friends there to eat and let our kids play for a while with the clown.
Before we got ready to leave, I went to the bathroom right quick and was hit with my next obstacle for the day. To spare you the details, however that's not really in my nature, I pretty much like to share it all and kick modesty to the curb (nothing is sacred around here) hurt like crazy when I peed and there was blood in my urine. GREAT! I've never had a U.T.I. before, but both my girls have, and I now have a new respect for their tolerance for pain. I called a friend who has had this condition many times before and she recommended that I get in to see a doctor asap. She seemed to think that if it had already gotten that bad, I didn't need to wait till morning to start antibiotics. Okay, so I've not been sick or needed a doctor since we've moved her 2 1/2 years ago. Do I even HAVE a physician to make an appt. with? Of course not. So on my way to Wendy's I called a couple of phone numbers that she had provided me with of the urgent care centers here in town. Luckily one of them accepted patients until 7 pm and also accepted my insurance. So after our Wendy's dinner date, the girls and I headed to the clinic. Let me just interject here that it is STILL monsooning outside-wonderful backdrop to the drama I'm going through today.
Here in the last few years I have become somewhat of a germ-a-phobe. I carry two different types of hand sanitizer in my purse and also have another big bottle in the console of my car. I use it on myself and my kids only a couple hundred times a day. I knew as we approached the clinic that my OCD tendencies in this area were going to be out of control. I had to take my healthy kids and myself into this clinic full of sick, sneezing, coughing people. I could've puked right there in the lobby. Finally, after 45 minutes of waiting, trying to entertain the children myself ~because they'd been forbidden to touch any magazines or books sitting on the tables~, and only 4 separate applications of hand sanitizer, it was my turn to go back to see the doc. I had to give a urine sample. Both of my girls have had to do this and knew exactly what I was going to have to do. Taylor's only concern was who was going to hold the cup for me while I peed in it. I had to horrify her just for a minute by telling her "Well, you're going to have to hold it for me." To which she replied "Unh, uh! Emma's going to have to hold it for you 'cause I ain't touchin' it!" My sweet Emma said "Yeah, I'kin hode it fow you Mama!" ~with a smile of anticipation on her face. I assured both of them that I was capable of holding it myself. Much to Taylor's relief, as she had already begun to get a little freaked out by the fact that Emma was willing to hold it.
The doc. confirmed what I already knew and gave me a Rx. Of course, when we pull in to the Walgreen's drive through, despite the fact that there isn't another soul in the store OR in the drive through, it's going to be 20 minutes before they can have the Rx ready. I'm willing to wait but Taylor has started squirming because she "has to pee SOOOO bad!" and Emma is whining that she's tired and ready to go home. So I told the lady I'd just have to pick it up first thing in the morning and we headed for home. When we got home it was 8:30 so I got the girls right to bed. The weather forcasters were predicting bad weather for us through the night and we were under a tornado watch till the wee hours of the morning. That's just great, I thought! Give me just one more reason not to sleep well tonight! So I was up, unable to sleep as I watched a "storm system capable of producing tornadoes" that was to cross us at 12:45. I had already put both of the girls in my bed with me so that in case of bad weather I wouldn't have to do so much running around to gather them up and head downstairs to the closet. -'cause we both know from my experience earlier in the day that running fast isn't my strong suit. Some time around 1-ish I dozed off, comfortable that the weather had died down enough that it was safe for me to sleep. Emma woke up at 3:00 and would not get still and go back to sleep. So it was back to her bed for her...which she didn't like one bit. She cried for me and called out for water, a hug and all sorts of stuff until 4:00, when I went in to give her my last threat before I was going to lose it. It was then that I noticed that she seemed warm and her cheeks were flushed. I took her temp. She had a fever and needed medicine. After all that, I got back in bed and listened to her call for me again for another hour. Some time after 5 this morning she went to sleep.
At six stinkin' thirty that blasted, God forsaken, junk box of an alarm clock went off signaling that it was time for me to rise up and walk. I just laid there whimpering "No, no, no, no, no! Lord, Jesus, give me the strenght to get out of this bed." And he did. I was suddenly hit with sharp pain in my lower pelvic region reminding me of the infection looming within and forcing me to get up and run to the potty. I made it, just barely.
Only by the grace of God, Taylor made it to school on time and I managed to get myself to the drive through (thank you, Lord, for drive throughs) pharmacy to pick up my medications. Needless to say, Emma and I are having a lazy rest of the day today...despite the fact that my house looks like that tornado actually DID hit us. Emma hasn't run any more fever yet and hopefully she won't. I am beginning to feel better too and am peeing the most interesting shade of neon orange I've ever seen!
Well, that was probably t.m.i. (too much info.) but like I mentioned earlier, nothing is sacred around here.
Be back soon! ;-)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday Ramblings...

The girls and I have had a pretty relaxed day today. Emma woke me this morning, much to my disappointment, at 7:30 am. I convinced her to get in bed with me and watch tv, hoping that I would be able to sleep just a little longer. If you know Emma, though, you know that she is not a reticent child. Even at the very moment she awakes, she's got something pressing to say and must say it loudly enough to ensure that everyone else in the county hears her. I managed to ignore some of her chatting long enough to doze in and out of consciousness. Finally around 8:15 she'd had enough of talking to herself and my snoozing was over. She was ready for her chee-wie-ohs.
As I attempted to fall out of bed, my body was begging me not to. It was stiff and rigid. My muscles were sore. Any slight movement caused aches in every muscle I have. As I staggered into the bathroom, wondering what was wrong with me today, I remembered why I would be sore today and probably tomorrow as well. I started going to the gym this week on the mornings that Emma is in preschool. Much to my surprise, I've enjoyed it. And up until today, I've not been stiff or sore from my workouts. (Apparently, I wasn't doing it right!) Well, yesterday morning, Nathan let me borrow his ipod so that I could listen to music while I worked out. I had no idea the amount of motivation that would come out of that little electronic device! I was on that treadmill jammin' to some rock n' roll music that he has programmed on it. I didn't know who was singing or what they were saying half the time but the beat was enough to keep me going at a brisk pace. Then I decided that I felt like jogging a little. So after a half mile warm up I started jogging. At this point, the music really started motivating me. I was like Rocky Balboa training for a victory. Nothing could stop me! I pushed myself to make it to a mile and a half, which meant that I had jogged for an entire mile! I can't tell you the last time I jogged a mile, if ever! I was so proud of myself, and I could just feel the pounds melting off of me like butter on a hot biscuit. I just knew I'd be at least 5 lbs. lighter from that jog. I had only used up about 25 minutes of my planned hour workout time so I headed over to the eliptical machines. I love those things but I'm gonna tell you what, if I so much as lifted one hand off of those handlebars, I would go flying off of that thing. So knowing that balance is not something I was blessed with, I hang on tight and hope that if I do fly off, I won't take down the person next to me. After doing another mile on the eliptical, I decided I'd better get off since I no longer had feeling in my legs, which made the machine that much more perilous. Not wanting my upper body to be jealous of the calisthenics I'd put my lower extremities through, I headed on over to the weight machines. After much lifting, burning-ouch!, pulling, burning-ouch!, pushing, burning-ouch!, and crunching until I felt I had rid myself of at least one of the tires around my midsection, I called it quits and left the gym, head held high and sure that I was so much thinner than I was when I entered those doors.

Those feelings of thinness came crashing down later that afternoon as I was getting dressed to go to a Mom's Night Out event with my MOPS group. Earlier in the day I started feeling a little crampy and I realized that "Mildred" was coming for visit very soon. As the afternoon went on, I kept getting more and more bloated until I looked like I was at least in the seventh month of a pregnancy. (Scary!!) So every outfit I put on didn't fit right and made me look blimpish. ~really ticked me off and put me in a foul mood. Finally after an hour or so of putting on and throwing off clothes, I conceded to wearing what I had originally planned and avoided any mirrors as I prepared to leave.

I don't know about you but during the first day of two of this "time of the month," I'm not right in the head! I'm just off a little bit, well more than usual. I'm scattered and can't seem to process things just right and don't even get me started about the emotions that come with it. So since I was 'not right in the head' last night, I left home headed for my much needed Mom's Night Out an hour too early. Lucky for me (and the friends I was about to meet up with), God was taking care of me by planning for me to leave that early. I realized as I was pulling out of the driveway that I was WAY too early and God told me quite plainly, "GET YOURSELF TO WAL-MART RIGHT NOW AND BUY SOME MIDOL AND A BOTTLE OF WATER AND TAKE THE DRUGS AS SOON AS YOU RE-ENTER YOUR CAR!" So of course, I obeyed. After about an hour, I was feeling more myself again. Although I still felt like a blimp in the clothes I had on but whatever! I ended up having a really good time and laughed so much I barely had any eye make-up left on when I got home.

As I'm writing this I'm still in my pajamas, hair wild and pulled up in a messy ponytail. There's nothin' better than loungin' around in your pj's all day when Mildred is visiting. However I have to get off here and get dressed as it is getting late and Nathan will be home soon. I convinced him that I needed a music player myself, like his ipod, to keep me motivated while I work out. Since I rarely stay motivated to work out for any lenght of time, and he's paid for us a gym membership, I think he's hoping it will do the trick! ;-) We'll see!
Have a great rest of the weekend!!

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