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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quiet Sunday Afternoon

All is quiet here at our house this afternoon. The kids are napping. Nathan is napping. Why am I not napping? Tried to but my eyes seemed to be propped open with toothpicks-wouldn't close for nothing! Probably due to the sugar overload that I submitted my body to today. Last night was the fall festival at church. The girls had a great time. I think their favorite part was the "trunk-or-treating". Now I've embarked on my favorite part. My reward for taking the time to get them dressed up, patiently putting make-up on a squirming two year old and a fidgety five year old, walking them from game table to game table, from trunk to trunk as they stood there at each candyman or candy-woman greedily waiting for their piece of glorious sugary confection to be dropped into their pumpkin buckets. Their eyes just shined with glee as we finished making the rounds and they examined their buckets full of candy. Okay, is it time to go home now? Time for you girls to get in bed? (Time for me to raid the candy buckets?) So that's why I'm not napping right now. Raided the candy buckets...twice actually. (Shhhh)
We stayed at the festival long enough to not hear Nathan's name called to win the new surf board they were giving away. (I whispered to the lady doing the drawing that if she pulled Nathan's name, to quickly put it back! ~does he really need any help in injuring himself at the beach? I don't think so! He pretty much has that one covered all by himself, given that he's usually banged up or sore every time we come home from a day at the beach. Then who has to hear about it for the next got it!) I was really surprised that Emma didn't bounce home afterward. Every time I looked down at her she was sneaking another piece of chocolate. Seriously, she probably ate 4 candy bars and I know she ate two suckers. I kept telling her I was going to take her bucket away if she didn't quit eating all her candy. (Empty threats-and she knew it, apparently.) But she continued to sneak them...I'd look down at her and she'd have her back slightly turned away with her eyes cut up at me while she was digging as fast as she could to grab another piece. ha! Stinker! Taylor is different in that area...she's a beggar. She begged and bargained her way through several candy bars and two suckers as well. Even after all that candy they still went to bed at a decent hour and slept all night. Well, Taylor got up and was scared so I let her sleep with me. She kept hearing noises and couldn't could I turn her away when I feel her pain most nights. It would've been very hypocritical of me to tell her it was nothing and make her go back to her bed. Plus, with all the scary halloween junk that's all over the tv and in the stores, creepy, nasty masked things booing and howling at you at every turn, invading your mind when you're trying to go to sleep at night, who wouldn't be scared? Yeah, I hear ya-most people. (I hate halloween!) I am working on getting rid of some of the fears that I have. (Thank you, Jesus!) I am happy to say that I did pretty well while Nathan was gone this last week. I sang quite a few praise and worship songs...some in the middle of the night...but hey, it worked! Before I realized it, I was waking up to my alarm singing praise songs in my ear. I've found it's best for me to flood my world with praise and worship songs. I really think it helps to keep my children alive. ;-) ~joking! It helps me to attempt to keep on the straight and narrow. ~helps-not always accomplishes-but I'm workin' on that.
Well, Emma just woke up and informed me that it's "mowning (4:30 pm) and it's time fow huh to get up, put on huh sungwasses and push huh baby in duh stwoluh."
I'll post pictures of them in their halloween costumes this week. Taylor is a bride...which is really funny being that she is toothless! Emma is Fairytale Dora. No gorey blood or vampire teeth at our house...and it'll stay that way as long as I can help it! ...stupid halloween! :-)

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